
“Die Landarztpraxis”, Staffel 2: Folgen, Darsteller und Handlung

“Die Landarztpraxis”, Staffel 2: Folgen, Darsteller und Handlung

The guidance of the first phase of the “Landarztpraxis” would lead to a new staff member registering and being started. In Staffel 1 everything is done by a single Mutter Drehte. Sarah Koning and his Teenagertochter Leo. Gleich zwei Mannerbeln das Leben der Mutter auf. Everything can be found at the Schliersee in the Bayerischen Alpenstatt. Rund 60 Folgen Wurden bereits for the first Staffel of “Die Landarztpraxis” produced, was in Staffel 2 so neither scaffolded were soll.

Who could take the next step in Staffel 2? Do you want to start and work? All information about Staffel 2 of “Die Landartzpraxis” read here.

“Die Landarztpraxis”: Start und Sendetermine von Staffel 2

Early hat the start of the new summer season 2024 is announced. But zu een späteren Zeitpunkt verkündete Hauptdarstellerin Caroline Frier, dass “Die Landarztpraxis” appears in Frühjahr 2024 in the TV program zurückkehrt. This is the case now: from the beginning to the end of the 2nd phase. Staffel of the land practice war May 7, 2024. It’s a new month to buy new Fridays. Diesen Sendeplatz hatte bis zum 7. Mai noch “Das Küstenrevier” inne. Die Sendetermine von “Die Landarztpraxis”, Staffel 2, in the description:

  • Sendetermine: Seit 7. May 2024 montags bis freitags immer um 19 Uhr auf Sat.1

“The Country Doctor’s Practice”: Who is next in Step 2?

In Step 1, 60 Followers of the preliminary series “The Country Doctor’s Practice” were produced. In Step 2, this is not yet done. It was worth the effort to complete the job in the year 2024, where a generous amount was born. Planted Sat.1 and joy 80 new follow a Dr. Sarah König and the residents in the bay of Wiesenkirchen am Schliersee. Those folgen were bisher ever etwa 30 to 35 minutes long. Here is an overview of the following data:

  • Follow 1 “Wiedersehen in Wiesenkirchen”: 7. May 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 2 “Narben der Vergangenheit”: May 8, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 3 “WG broader Want”: May 10, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 4 “Ein schaler Sieg”: 13. May 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 5 “Harte Vorwürfe: 14. May 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 6 “Schwanengesang”: May 15, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 7 “Alte Gefühle”: 16. May 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 8 “Schrei nach Liebe”: 17. May 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 9 “Schonungslose Wahrheit”: 21. May 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 10 “Hidden Memories”: May 22, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 11 “New Gerüchte”: May 23, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Follow 12 “Wahrheit oder Lüge”: May 24, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 13 “Das Leben geht weiter”: May 27, 2024, 7 p.m. Sat.1
  • Follow 14 “Herz kämpft gegen Verstand”: May 28, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 15 “Der Liebesbeweis”: 29. May 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 16 “Niemals geht man so ganz”: May 30, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 17 “Offensive”: May 31, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Follow 18 “Zusammen sind wir stark”: 3. June 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 19 “Wachsende Gefühle”: June 4, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 20 “Unverhofft kommt oft”: 5. June 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 21 “Heimkehr”: June 6, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 22 “Endlich Zuhause”: June 7, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 23 “A new team is born”: June 10, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 24 “Sorge wider Willen”: 11. June 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 25 “Verzeih mir”: June 12, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 26 “Remembrances”: June 13, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 27 “Abschied für immer?”: 14. June 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 28 “Und plötzlich ist alles else”: June 17, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 29 “Bitte bleib!”: June 18, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 30 “Zerissen”: June 19, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Follow 31 “Die Frage der Fragen”: June 20, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 32 “Familiäre Verpflichtungen”: 21. June 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 33 “Herzklopfen”: June 24, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 34 “Provocation”: June 25, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 35 “Heimlich betaubt”: June 26, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 36 “Sehnsucht”: June 27, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Follow 37: “Alte Vertrautheit”: 28. June 2024, 7 PMsat.1
  • Follow 38: “Gewissheit”: 1. July 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 39: “Falsches Timing”: July 2, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 40: “Kopf über Herz”: July 3, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 41: “Ein ungeheuerlicher Suspect”: 4. July 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 42: “I’m letzten Moment”: July 5, 2024, 7 PM, Saturday 1
  • Folge 43: “Enttarnt”, July 8, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 44: “Happy End”, July 9, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 45: “Gefahr”, July 10, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 46: “Rettung in letzter Sekunde”, July 11, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 47: “Neue Allianzen”, July 12, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 48: „Geheimniskrämerei“, July 15, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 49: “Doppeltes Spiel”, July 16, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 50: “Die Scheidung”, 17. July 2024, 7 pm, Sat.1
  • Folge 51: “Traummann auf Abwegen”, July 18, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 52: “Hoffnungsschimmer”, July 19, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 53: „Wiedersehensfreude“, July 22, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 54: “Alte Wunden”, July 23, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Follow 55: „Der Geist aus der Verleidingenheit“, July 24, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Follow 56: „Totgesagte life longer“, July 25, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 57: “Geständnis”, July 26, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 58: „Gebrochene Herzen“, July 29, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 59: “Gift”, July 30, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 60: “Anhaltspunkte”, July 31, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 61: “Polterabend”, August 1, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 62: “Vorfreude auf die Hochzeit”, August 2, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 63: “Die Hochzeit”, August 5, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 64: “Schmerzhafte Erkenntnis”, August 6, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 65: “Die gute Lüge”, 7. August 2024, 7 pm, Sat.1
  • Folge 66: “Ungewisse Zukunft”, August 8, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 67: “Wider besseren Wissens”, August 9, 2024, 7 p.m. Sat.1
  • Folge 68: “Wer suchet, der findet”, August 12, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 69: “Offene Wunden”, August 13, 2024, 7 p.m., Sat.1
  • Folge 70: “Verlorenes Vertrauen”, August 14, 2024, 7 PM, Saturday 1
  • Folge 71: “Das Unwetter”, August 15, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1
  • Folge 72: „Küsse sich, wer kann“, August 16, 2024, 7 PM, Sat.1

Handling of “Die Landarztpraxis” Scale 2

Dr. Fabian Kroiß erlitt een schweren Autounfall, wodurch is ich mehreren Operations unterziehen muss. The Unfall experience is now a great life. Fabian found his nun at Reha, where Sarah no longer had any trouble. The fresh Beziehungsglück would put all things at the heart of the Sonde.

Fabian’s little girl Isa returns to Bavaria. 20 years of war are gone. It is clear that your homeland is familiar with the streaks. Before everyone started to have war with Father Georg, his life was still going on for a long time. Now it is a child’s play, which happens in the homeland. One of the things I did later is that other pages are not even more, when they were finished on May 7, 2024.

“The Country Doctor’s Practice”, Classel 2: broadcast on TV and stream

“The Country Doctor’s Practice” Graduated 2 is generated with Graduated 1 on TV on Sat.1 übertragen. The series is no longer a linear TV program. Ouch auf joy and and in the Sat.1-Mediathek can stream man “Die Landarztpraxis”. On Joyn+ can help a man do all the new fun things we do while on TV.

Darsteller in “Die Landarztpraxis” Staffel 2

Whoever wanted to know Senderchef Marc Rasmus, could see the Occupation of the main characters. The best part is that it is all for Sarah and Fabian. Caroline Frier also returns to the Role of Dr. Sarah König, the hereditary doctor and the lonely mother of 16-year-old Leo (Katharina Hirschberg). verkörpert weiterhin Dr. Fabian Kroiß, der in der Landarztpraxis seines Vaters am Schliersee labor. Schon seit ihrer Jugend knows Fabian and Sarah.

The cast of “Die Landarztpraxis”, Staffel 2:

-Caroline Frier as Dr. Sarah Konig

-Katharina Hirschberg as Leo König

-Oliver Franck as Dr. Fabian Kroisse

-Alexander Koll as Max

-Diane Willems as Isabelle “Isa” Kroiß

-Michael Raphael Klein as Lukas Seidl

-Sophie Melbinger as Marie Raichinger

-Christian Hoening as Dr. Georg Kroisse

-Katrin Anne Heß as Dr. Alexandra Seeberger-Kroisse

-Marion Mathoi as Resi Hinterwimmer

-Rosetta Pedone as Bianca Marino

-Antonio Putignano as Donato Marino

-Gioele Viola as Emilio Marino

-Fenja Gerhardter as Feli Marino

-Simon Lucas as Basti Raichinger

The Drehorte of “Die Landarztpraxis” can be found when you walk on the Schliersee. When you see the Panorama-Aufnahmen, the height of the Szenen is determined. (AZ)