
Energiewende: Fachkräften fehlt grüne Kompetenz

Energiewende: Fachkräften fehlt grüne Kompetenz

If you specialize in other thinking profiles, this is a study. For the energy transition is new Know how.

You can’t install solar panels. Here you can see that it’s okay Photo: dpa

GÜTERSLOH dpa | Fehlende Fachkräfte drohen de Energiewende auszubremsen. The Bertelsmann Stiftung has analyzed the tradition of craftsmanship for the energy transition. Laut der jetzt veröffentlingen Tuition fee is one of the best results of 300,000 Fachkräften op een Kompetenzlücke.

In a design of roof roofs: If a family home user works best with roof roofs, there can never be a photovoltaic system on the installation of the photovoltaic system automatically. It is a quadruple roof roof of solar installations, which has achieved an evaluation by the foundation of 2.7 million online posts.

Think of the best performance in the Dachdecker craft in the tradition of traditional energy and solar industries with a total of 0.71. If there is an overload of 100 percent of the value to 1, while the cars are illuminated. Wiping of solar thermal, photovoltaic energy sources and the assembly of care technology are the Arbeitgeber of the Dachdeckerinnen and Dachdeckern.

Great Luck in Wind Energy

In wind energy, it can no longer be the case that there is competition. Here, the quality of the supply in the general economy and the wind industry is at a level of 0.77. When processing electricity prices, the value may not be higher than 0.64. “Central for the technical forces of construction in the wind industry are specialists in the area of ​​deployment and service of wind power plants”, write the study authors. In classical construction, all electrical installation and assembly of electrical engineering can be fragmented.

“The strong research in internal competition is one of the reasons why the focus on the number of labor forces alone is not right,” says Jana Fingerhut, labor market expert at the Bertelsmann Foundation. “We do not only need more labor forces. It may be that you need to use the right Competencies for the tasks in the wind and solar industry. These Competencies must first be learned.”

If the branches of the energy transition have more soulful new images, it is so that a person with a completed education is like a person with experiences of distress, but without an opposite conclusion.