
Diese US-Kriegsschiffe und Atom-U-Boote kommen in den Nahen Osten

Diese US-Kriegsschiffe und Atom-U-Boote kommen in den Nahen Osten

Im Near East between the conflict Israel and the Hamas zu einem gefährlichen Flächenbrand auszuwachsen. Möglicherweise steht ein großer Angriff des Iran auf Israel unmittelbar bevor. Auch Kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Israel und der Hisbollah im Lebanon stehen nahezu auf der Tagesordnung.

For those Hintergrund stärken die USA yours Present at the East and a wide range of marine health in the Mittelmeer. Schritt für Schritt gibt das US-Verteidigungsministerium knownwhich Einheiten in that Konfliktregion were shifted.

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Weiterer US-Flugzeugträger im Mittelmeer

That USS Theodore Roosevelt be sure to spend some time in the Mittelmeer. Der Flugzeugträger der Nimitz-Class sollte eigentlich routinemäßig of the USS Abraham Lincoln were resolved. You will ultimately have to make your way to Peace in the Far East.

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Stealth Fighter in Nahen Osten

Now that the Pentagon is clear, that Theodore Roosevelt bleibt in Mittelmeer and that Abraham Lincoln as auxiliary aircraft carriers dorthin orders wurde. Außerdem befinden sich noch die USS Laboon sowie die USS Bulkeley – both Alarm clock der Arleigh Burke Class – on the way into the Mittelmeer.

An Bord der USS Abraham Lincoln since übrigens Stealth Fighter of the Typ F-35C sowie EA-18G Growlerswhich with new weapons are capable of being electronically discharged since. That the fighter’s power is especially powerful.

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Combat-resistant atomic submarines

Both of the German Flugzeugträgern of the Nimitz-Class are in the USA in their own camp Ohio Class Atomic U-Boats in the Middle Sea. That USS Georgia (SSGN-729) There is a U-Boat, which serves another purpose for the evacuation of the Marine Corps.

The fact that the Pentagon is open to the public, if only the Atom-U-Boote is on its own, is unknown and can be understood unmistakably Battle in Iran were read. During the past November, the USA was equipped with a U-Boat of the Ohio class in the Near East shifts word. Since the U-Boat never ends, it is unclear.

The USS Georgia can be up to 154 Tomahawk Marshal Fighter for Angriffe auf Ziele an Land mitführen. The modern variants of the Tomahawk have a unique Reichweite von über 1,600 kilometers.

➤ Read more: So let’s see the most modern Atom U-Boat of the US Navy

The Ohio Class

The high capacity of the Marschflugkörpern is possible, although in your starting process, the ursprünglich für Interkontinental missiles was thought, 7 Tomahawks to fit. 22 of 24 Röhren since with Tomahawks ordered. Die übrigen 2 Röhren wurden zu Aus- und Einstiegen für Campfirers restored.

Your Ohio class has no self-service coverage 4 torpedo holesor other U-boats and boats to compare. Diese sind mit Mark 48 Torpedoes loaded. The U-Boat is still capable of carrying other weapons and torpedos and can also be used Underwater command centre were enjoyed.

Die Ohio-Klasse-U-Boote since etwa 170 meters longit was the largest U-boats in the world. Die Verdrängung unter Wasser liegt bei etwa 18,750 Tonsyou were able to vary your model slightly. The standard assessment bestht for 155 Officers and Matrosen. Die maximal Tiefe, in die Ohio-Klasse laut Tests tauchennn, sind 240 meters.

➤ Read more: Largest Atom-U-Boat of the USA will take place in Russia

Years under water

Durch ihren Atomantrieb hat die Ohio-Klasse almost unlimited Reichweite. Dafür take care of that 2 Nuclear reactors on the board, which is served Uran-235 as Brennstoff spoiled.

Theoretically you can Years under water bleiben, ohne aufzutauchen. More limiting factors are here in the first line that determines the care for the treatment of technical problems. Letztere können aufgrund eines internen Ersatzteillagers aber oft were solved, ohne, that’s Schiff an die Oberfläche muss.