
Streamer bei Busunfall lost: Live stream with Schockszenen! | Unterhaltung

Streamer bei Busunfall lost: Live stream with Schockszenen! | Unterhaltung

Live streaming with Alltags-Abenteuer – and there are regularly 11,000 followers. Sam Panday (21) was in front of the running Camera Shock Scenes: When he is fast with the bus, he crashes into another vehicle!

It’s a sunny day Thailand. Sam, who lives in the capital of Bangkok, is with his Kumpel “SuspendaS” (43, born Avrom Merlin) in the direction of Khon Kaen in the interior. They are both sitting with others in a minibus, driving on the highway. With the livestream of Pandays Zuschauer.

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On the streaming platform Kick, the competitors of Twitchingsays there sogenannte „IRL-Streams“ („In Real Life“, zu Deutsch: im real life). That’s it, there’s a follower and a sign of all tags. So they could make their fans appear live at a waterfall.

Dieses Mal is Sam vermeintlich ruhig an. Letzte Nacht was a long time ago, erzählt there. The Fahrt is final, there is a revival, the Augen has fallen if it is still wetter. The Live Stream goes beyond a while.

Plötzlich shouts at you: “Oh Scheiße!”

At that moment the power of the bus is in a forward car. It is a question of an action movie. There is no problem with Drehbuch, no security precautions. The aufprall schleudert Sam and the other passengers like puppies herum.

As well as the Bus zum Stehen kommt, drängt der Fahrer darauf, schnellstmöglich auszusteigen. Gasoline pours out. Hastily escape from the emergency and run away in a hurry. Then you are in the Straßenrand, where you can use the Rettungskräfte. Sams follower is still live dabei.

Streamer Sam Panday (l.) and his Kumpel warten with the others Fahrgästen am Straßenrand auf Hilfe. If the Unfall sie hen sie unter Schock and haben Schmerzen

Streamer Sam Panday (l.) and his Kumpel warten with the others Fahrgästen am Straßenrand auf Hilfe. If the Unfall sie hen sie unter Schock and haben Schmerzen

Photo: SamPanday/Kick

A few minutes of später hit them Rescue forces one, care about those guests. Der Streamer complains über Schmerzen in Knie und in Kopf, befürchtet een Gehirnerschütterung. A Frau blutet aus dem Mund.

But Glück im Unglück: With this Unfall, no one has seriously come to harm.

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If Sam gets a little away from them Hopital in the future, when we watch a live stream, he will say blue Flecken: “I have never been lost and cannot run. If you don’t see it, you don’t have to worry about it.” Nur der Blechschaden is immense: “If you know that your car is safe, that is absolutely essential.”

Be sure to check out Panday – and stream a trip to Laos.