
American-American after Randale in Hotel in Moscow festgenommen

American-American after Randale in Hotel in Moscow festgenommen

Angeblich hat sich a US-Bürger in a Moskauer Hotel danebenommen and anschließend aine Polizistin geschlagen. For the Kremlin comes the new Festnahme womöglich located.

The Russian Security Service has played a role in Moscow in an American citizen in the fight against a political festivity. When the police are used in a hotel, the American becomes aggressive and has not used “normative lexik” – of which the greatest advantage exists.

The man has ignored the order of the messages, his messages have been sent and his school parties can be sent to the Interfax agent. At the police service station the man has become a policyholder, he wants to be a police representative.

Neben Rowdytum must answer to the American in a criminal appeal on the grounds of the application of force against a trespasser of the State force. The names of the names of the men born in 1978 did not begin to die in the hotel on the postponed registration card.

The last months of the month in a large English community more Americans from the Russian Haft in the fight for Russian Agents from the West to be treated. Read more here. Russia is in Ruf, if the US Americans longer punish as Faustpfand, a landsleute in Ausland.