
Child, dog must go – where would Lizzy be?

Child, dog must go – where would Lizzy be?

After a week, the Hundin Lizzy lives in a Hamburger Tierheim. This time in the family war towards the end, when the troubles in the world comb.

The Beschreibung des Tierheims in Hamburg is the most a Sechser in Lotto: That little Hündin Lizzy is stubenrein, knows Grundbefehle, knows the Leben with others Hunden and Katzen and has a small problem. Lediglich am Anfang sei etwas schüchtern and unsicher Fremden gegenüber. This is the phase in which it shows its own characteristics: “Extreme schlau en witzig, zodem sehr verspielt en verschmust”, reports that Tierpfleger.

And yet Lizzy is crouching for a week in Franziskustierheim in the Nähe von Hagenbecks Tierpark. The new family is a kind. And if Baby is the war, Lizzy has to go. Anyway, we will probably rest the little dog. Small warm-ups are necessary. “It is a tolle and a lying reflection, which has arisen and is an English-language assignment”, says the Tierexperten.

But a knack point remains: Suffering movement travel does not let them calmly. Bicycle, scooter, jogger – at a leisurely pace in the city the end of the great Leine brand awareness is fragmented. “Lizzy is the best answer and can take the trouble and ignore the time that this measure ignores, notice that you have a night attack of the Hundehalters”, writes the Tierheim.

Nun als Tierheim nach Menschen, “die great potential und geentzückendes recognise und consistently, aber liebevoll mit die kleine Goldstück door Leben gehen wollen”. Kleine Kinder sollten nicht in Haushalt leben. Where Lizzy knows, she can turn to Tierheim.