
Winne in New York: Dow Jones with the end of trading with green previous years | 14.08.24

Winne in New York: Dow Jones with the end of trading with green previous years | 14.08.24

Der Dow Jones schloss den Handelstag met Gewinnen ab.

I keep an eye on the Dow Jones via NYSE 0.61 Prozent stärker at 40 008.39 Punkten. The Dow Jones Mitglieder ends up at a value of 13,260 Bio. Euro. Zum Handelsstart stand ein Abschlag von 0.806 Prozent auf 39 445.27 Punkte an der Kurstafel, after 39 765.64 Punkten am Vortag.

The Dow Jones is shown at 40,068.75 in a Dayshoch. The Daygestief has a value of 39,737.20 units.

Dow Jones Annual Growth

Start the week with a turnover of 1.14 percent for the Dow Jones. For a month the NYSE trading week is quiet. The Dow Jones was sold on the previous trading day on 12.07.2024 for an amount of 40,000.90 dollars. Three months ago, on 14.05.2024, the Dow Jones grew by 39,558.11 points. On 14.08.2023 it will be one year ago that the Dow Jones reached a value of 35,307.63 points.

On an annual basis 2024 the index is expected to reach 6.08 percent. The annual value of the Dow Jones is 41,376.00 points. The annual value would be 37,122.95 points.

Tops and Flops Current

Among the strong Einzelwaarden in Dow Jones you will find the time of American Express (+2.00 percent to 243.76 USD), Home Depot (+1.60 percent to 355.66 USD), Travelers (+1.52 percent to 214.09 USD), Goldman Sachs (+1.37 percent to 498.70 USD) and JPMorgan Chase (+1.11 percent to 210.24 USD). Schwächer are listed in Dow Jones as Intel (-2.69 Prozent at 19.92 USD), Merck (-0.71 Prozent at 113.58 USD), Caterpillar (-0.36 Prozent at 337.59 USD), Amgen (-0.22 Prozent at 322.73 USD) and Boeing (-0.15 Prozent at 168.50 USD).

Which stock in Dow Jones has the highest market capitalization?

The trading in Dow Jones with the larger trading volumes is the time of the Intel activities. Eventually 14 881 921 shares were traded via NYSE. The Apple share power in Dow Jones with 3,007 biographies. Euro of the time the large market capitalization out.

Dow Jones Fundamental Knowledge

In those years, the Verizon stock performed with the FactSet Estimate of 8.90 as the lowest Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) among the Dow Jones-Werten. With 6.58 Prozent, the dividend yield of the Verizon Action 2024 crystallizes with FactSet-Schätzung voraussichtlich as the strength of the Aktien in Index heraus.

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