
With the Einrichtung von Schulstraßen sollen Schulwege in Dortmund were more authorized

With the Einrichtung von Schulstraßen sollen Schulwege in Dortmund were more authorized

Verkehrserziehung: Training with the wheel in the Jugendverkehrsschule in the Fredenbaumpark. Photo: Leopold Achilles in front of the Stadt Dortmund

A week before the start of the new debt for the Dortmund mayor Thomas Westphal and the police chairman Gregor Lange all traffic control: those on, actively for more security on debt roads are sorgen. If the city of Dortmund has four debts, the best time will not last longer. The pilot project for more security on debts is one of the best ways to get a Monate.

First of all, they can have realistic children’s experiences

„Die aktuell 23,738 Kinder in unseren 88 Grundschulen in Dortmund is no „Mitläufer“ in Straßenverkehr. It is best to make a brand samkeit and a backup. That is all the orders – the City Council, the Police and all Dortmunderinnen and Dortmunder,” said Oberbürgermeister Thomas Westphal.

OB Thomas Westphal and police chairman Gregor Lange ask for more respect for children in street traffic. Every accident with children is one of the things you can do. Photo: Leopold Achilles in front of the Stadt Dortmund

“If you are driven by the engine, you dominate the debts that are more childish than ABS or other safety systems on the road. We have to educate and protect our children in traffic – that is our urgent request. And that can happen, if we all want to do it,” complains Police President Gregor Lange. Both are suitable for the Youth Traffic School of the city of Dortmund in the Fredenbaumpark.

Children in the legal environment need to be aware of their traffic problems, but can also cope with their emotional problems, absences and situations. Only when you have been in the Lage for years, the situations are better and more suitable for buying. If you are concerned with setting your choice, make sure that you can learn the correct Verhalten and Ampeln, major Crossings, Haltestellen, Zebrastreifen and other Orten.

Kraftfahrzeuge dominates the traffic area

A Auswertung der Dortmunder Polizei von Schulwegunfällen and Unfällen in der Freizeit von Kindern ergab, dass Schulkinder and Bushaltesteling and an Sichthindernissen besonderen Gefahren ausgesetzt since: Immer dann, wenn wen for a hint to stop Buses or not parked for the brain Cars that überqueren Straße, Increases the risk of accident.

Kindernehmen de Verkehr otherwise wahr als erwachsene and können Geschwindigkeiten, Abstände and Situationen nor richtig einschätzen.
Kindernehmen de Verkehr otherwise wahr als erwachsene and können Geschwindigkeiten, Abstände and Situationen nor richtig einschätzen. Photo:

Hinzu kommt, dass Autos, Lkw and other Motorzeuge immer mehr Raum einnehmen: The Zahl der Kraftfahrzeugzulassungen in Dortmund ist in de vergangenen Jahren auf 376.910 gestiegen (Stand: 30. June 2024).

“It is such a Kraftfahrzeuge, it is child’s play to continue and see the machen müssen. We know that the perspectives of our children will be excellent, but we will continue to have great success in our road traffic,” said Oberbürgermeister Thomas Westphal.

Traffic services in Dortmund with fallen projects

A bus stop stands out, the car driver: the situation in the transportation system fails to assess and cannot be adjusted at the pace. A stop sign with a rotten three-way and a warning light in the bus with gilded Schrittgeschwindigkeit für Autos – auch im Gegenverkehr.

Im Einsatz für sichere Schulwege: Polizei und Schulkinder auf der Ruhrallee in Dortmund. File photo: Dortmund Police

There is a warning light and the Haltestelle heranfahrender Bus does not go any further. The Polizei and the Stadt Dortmund provide an overview of the bus and Stadtbahn stops.

Um Kinder fit voor de Verkehr zu machen, setzen Stadt, Polizei und DSW21 die ÖPNV-Trainings met Schulklasseen weiter fort. Neu ist das Bushaltestellen-Training voor 400 Kinder van Nordstadt, de tag met Schulbussen op Schulen in de Dortmunder Außenbezirken fahren und wieder zurück.

While the Tiefbauamt of the city of Dortmund in the Jugendverkehrsschule in Fredenbaum is a “Lern-Bushaltestelle” aimed, and the children’s clothing – personal and multimedia. In Dortmund there are 30,000 Schülerinnen and Schüler on buses and railways. DSW21 fährt 1,956 Haltestellen in the city area an. Hinzu kommen die Schulbushaltestellen for Schulen.

Police force on the problem of “Elterntaxi”

When children are in debt, they move on to their next debt. Police President Gregor Lange appealed to Eltern: “Passen Sie da bitte besonders gut auf. It is possible that the debt will disappear: Fahren Sie Ihre Kinder nicht with the car up to the debt. A child doesn’t learn about street traffic while sitting in the car.”

Engagement with Elterntaxis: Diesen Cartoon tells the Police and Eltern, who drive the car bis for the School. File photo: Holga Rosen in front of the Polizei Dortmund

If you contact debts and another bank, the police will call the help of the “Elterntaxi”. Whatever the police chairmen of the police and the supervisors are, the young unprotected Verkehrsteilnehmer:innen:

“I have not had a new challenge, when Viertklässler with his debts and the police for the Radfahren for the Fahrrad-Führerschein-üben and car driver was who no longer had a brake or was in debt last time.” Police and schools appear in Schuljahr 2023 / 2024 series 5,500 Viertklässler am Fahrrad aus.

Police and Ordnungsamt strengthen the Controls

The Police and Ordnungsamt were strengthened in the city council to ensure that traffic control was taken into account – it was recommended that the new debts be started. Considered on the Ruhenden Verkehr lies the Hauptaugenmerk auf der Kontrolle von Geh-, Rad- and Fußgängerüberwegen as well as of Halteverboten, Bushaltestellen, Kreuzungen and Einmündungen in Einzugsbereich of Kindergarten and Schools.

The city of Dortmund is going to continue with mobile technology for years to come. Further cars may follow.
The police and the Ordnungsamt became their supervisory roles in the debtor’s field of debt. File photo: Alex Völkel on

Illegal parking may occur as a result of traffic monitoring. The Kontrollen start at 6.30 am, a free time in the environment of the school, with Kitas on Verstogende reactingen van können.

For more certainty on debts, the city will set up four debt streets e-a pilot project. You will be put in debt by the main delivery and the cleaning for the motor vehicles. The basis is a entsprechender of the Landesministeriums NRW.

Schulstraßen als Pilotprojekt zu den Bring- und Abholzeiten

After starting a project and conducting a study with the Beteiligten, the Tiefbauamt and the Schulverwaltungsamt are united, as a pilot project three Grundschulen and a Förderschule four Schulstraßen are set up. The sales experience is a maximum of one year.

Photo: Dortmund Police

Vorausetzung für de Schulen was also a previous Teilnahme and the schulische Mobilitätsmanagementprojekt “So läuft das”, and they are prepared to have 20 Grundschulen teilgenommen.

When we became a debtor, it is not that Hol- and Bring-Zonen are einrichting. If you Eltern stops, is a child’s car from the car weld, then the residual debt is eigenstandaard and your fuß-zurücklegen. The Schulstraßen were by the Beschilderung and Markering kenntlich gemacht.

The police will control the e-infahrbots. The Schulstraßen sollen de Hül- und Bringverkehr verdrängen, Verhaltensänderungen bei Eltern und Schüler:innen bewirken en de eigene Mobilität von Schüler:innen fördern.

Follow four debts for the pilot project:

  • Waldorf School Primary SchoolUranusstraße 50, 44388 Dortmund
    Number of students: 221
    Sperrung der Uranusstraße, Abschnitt Provinzialstraße to Neptunstraße
    Time: 7:30 to 8 am
    Hol- and Bringzone on the Provinzialstraße 357 and 360 are completely renovated
  • Ostenberg Primary SchoolAn der Margarethenkapelle 5, 44227 Dortmund
    Number of students: 295
    Sperrung der Straße An der Margarethenkapelle
    Closure time: 2.45 pm to 4.15 pm
    Hol- en Bringzone An der Palmweide ggü. Schönaustraße available
  • Kerschenstein Primary SchoolJoseph-Cremer-Straße 25, 44141 Dortmund
    Number of students: 315
    Blockage of the Strohnstrasse
    Time: 7:30 to 8 am
    Hol- and Bringzone ggü. Rathenaustraße 39-41 Vorhanden
  • Förderschule Max-Wittmann-SchuleOberevinger Straße 155, 44339 Dortmund
    Number of students: 430
    Sperrung der Oberevinger Straße, Abschnitt Rotbuchenweg bis Derner Straße (Zufahrt für Schülerspezialverkehr erlaubt)
    Sperrzeit: Montag bis Freitag for a half study after Unterrichtschluss

Schulstraßen-Projekt is clear-cut

The Schulstraßen were recognized by the Painting and Marking. The Painting of the Schulstraßen follows jewels with the following Zeichen:

Das Gefahrzeichen 136 “Achtung Kinder”.
Das Gefahrzeichen 136 “Achtung Kinder”. Photo:
  • Verkehrszeichen 260 – Verbot für Kraftfahrzeuge
  • Zusatzzeichen 1042-38 – work tags with same tags
  • Zusatzzeichen 1040-30 – daily description
  • Zusatzzeichen 1012-50 – Schule

One of the Margaretenkapelle was newly marked as a Fahrbahnpiktogramm in the Einfahrtsbereich das Gefahrzeichen 136 “Kinder”. Another Schulstraßen ist das Gefahrzeichen 136 “Kinder” bereits als Verkehrszeichen vorhanden.

The pilot project of the Ostenberg Grundschule and one of the Freiligrath Grundschule would make it possible to delete the master’s degree of students at the TU Dortmund. This situation involves the debt in the design of the debt streets.

The pilot phase lasts a maximum of one year. Danach was very extensive and accomplished, another story about the city administration.

Bus training for Schüler:innen von Polizei und Stadt

He began his new competence training in the Jugendverkehrsschule Dortmund in Fredenbaum in joint work with the Dortmund Police. The new bus training is a challenge for the elementary school students: within the Dortmund Nordstadt, which goes to their school-dependent school buses.

More than 5,000 students are prepared to participate in the youth traffic school in Fredenbaum during their time in the future and in the future. Photo: Leopold Achilles in front of the Stadt Dortmund

More than 5,000 students are prepared to participate in the youth traffic school in Fredenbaum during their time in the future and in the future. With Hilfe von Bildern and Symbolen, the childish playful lessons, which are a responsibility consciousness in debt or the most successful business activities, are possible.

About 400 Nordstadt children can make a profit from bus stop training in the Jugendverkehrsschule and are committed to reality.

The Jugendverkehrsschule in Fredenbaum was born in 1959, a children’s and youth sicher auf the Road traffic vorzubereiten. After extensive remediation during the Tiefbauamt period in November 2022, a children’s and youth training course with the German Verkehrswacht Dortmund eV and the ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Kreisverband Dortmund eV) Verkehrserziehung took place.

The Bezirksdienst of the Police in Dortmund takes care of children in Vorschulalter with the Bordstein-Training and the Road Transport here. Im vergangen Schuljahr sahen 13.852 Kinder und 2276 Erwachsene die four Stücke der Verkehrspuppenbühne der Polizei in Westfalenpark. Am Crash Kurs NRW in Fritz-Henßler-Haus nehmen pro Schuljahr more als 5.000 Jugendliche und Jong Erwachsene part.

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