
You can sit in Job Eis and intimately

You can sit in Job Eis and intimately

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You can sit in Job Eis and intimately
Eben noch Granatapfeleis, then Mangoeis and now Meloneneis: The Maschine ist das Herzstück in der Eisküche von Francesco Covre (left) and Production Chef Massimiliano Samuel. © as

More passion as a profession: For the Besitzer der Eisdiele de Pellegrin ist Eis more as a Süßigkeit. How do the creations get into the waffle? A hint of Kulissen by the Gelato-Manufaktur, so that the vast majority of the birgt.

Deutschland wrote das Jahr 1799. In Hamburg the first German Eisdiele. It is wonderful to follow the human lust on the Dolce Vita machen. 1999, 200 Jahre und Milliarden Eiskugeln später, übernimmt Francesco Covre in Haus Louisenstraße 9.00 am Eingang zur Fußgängerzone von seinem Onkel das 1953 gegründete “Eiscafé Gelateria De Pellegrin”.

During his 65-year patron, with his friendship at a winery in Treviso after the Venice war, the idiosyncratic Bauzeichner has called upon his own company in Germany in 1977, which with his opinion has done a good business. There is a summer in the eierdiele-gejobbt and the war is not overloaded, if the chef can work in his talent with eismachen.

A glück voor Bad Homburgs Süßschnäbel, die seit die Finger nach Covres Eiskreationen lecken. “I’m happy, the Kugel hat damals 1.20 kostenet, alldings nor D-Mark”, said the Mann laughing, der das Eismachen zwar auch as Beruf siht, fell more aber as Berufung.

Kilo Vanilla Shots for 400 Euros

If you are the Eis-konditormeister, you will see more as a süßspeise, the man started in the past. Es handle itself with a sinnliche Philosophie, die in all its Cremigkeit auf der Zunge zergehe: “Das ist wie beim Wein, Eis darf man nicht nur essen, man muss es with all Sinnen leadschaftlich geniuses, auch mit der Nase.” Deshalb ist sein owner’s favorite from the 30 varieties of vanilla ice cream. If you use Duft, then that classic is no longer timeless, if the “richtige” Vanille is in play, it is less fun to play. If the Kilo Vanilla Shots from Madagascar costs 400 Euro, you will not find a good price, but the kitchen is a team that is a Grundsatz, the highest quality, says.

Das gilded auch fürs Nusseis. In „The Pellegrin“ comes now that the syrup is slightly dry in Piemont-Haselnüssen zum Einsatz, „that since black teurer, but now that I am not drunk, that is why the pellegrin is not drunk.“

Massimiliano Samuel, himself a confectioner, led the production. If you have a brief summary of the machine, it is used along the rotating pomegranate disk. Massimiliano has ended up in a stainless steel fan, which few find on the Theke on the Platz. After seven minutes it continues, then the color of the lock changes: yellow mangoes, again seven nuts, spare melons. That goes on all day long. If you see that it is so that the production is carried out, then there is no talk of a shortage of chickens, ist Covre, the honorary residence for the food is placed in a Gräuel. Moreover, if the two days, the chocolate, the melted bitterschocolate with a few “secrets” Zutaten, Milch and Sahne have won, then that is so.

“The ultimate part of the requirements is naturally mild, for the creaminess of the meat on top of the food, the parts with the sauce are also part of the cream with the mascarpone,” is the chef’s statement. Mascarpone is the Vorteil that is used in the preparation when the air is lower. “The Leute wollen black möglichst große Kugeln, brands are often not, who fell Luft sie miessen. If you are in Italy, you will not be able to purchase the weight,” addresses a serious issue. Theme: The debate about the price of a Kugel Requirements, the factors that are considered: Personal and Energy costs, Mieten, aber den easily digested products. After the start of the Ukraine Krieges, costs for Milch have exploded.

Der Eiskonsum is Generic Zurück, Wegen der Preise. A single Kugel, which weighs between 80 and 90 grams at Covre, costs around 1.80 euros. There may be a high chance that something will go wrong.

Milchees with Rocket and Parmesan Cheese

“Früher wurden meist three Kugeln, heute ist es zu 80 Prozent nur noch eine, ab en zu auch mal zwei. Manchmal was also ordered half way, it was very bad,” said Covre.

If you see that it is not the case, if new Kreationen have been found, then the Mehrzahl seiner Gäste ist sehr sortentreu: Stracciatella, Vanille, Mango, Schoko gehen immer, aber auch “Prinz von Homburg”, a Mischung aus Schokolade on Milcheis basis , a Schluck Likör and Krokantsplittern. Dennoch experimented with Francesco Covre in the blessing Küche nearby. Gerade is eaten in a special machine and the grünliches are creamy: Milcheis with arugula and parmesan chips: “It is not in the waffel, especially as a topping for our bruschetta.”

Wovor Covre ben meisten Fear hat? “Stromaus trap. If there are any problems that cannot be overcome, then it becomes critical.

What was the experience of the Eiscreme Connoisseur from Bad Homburg? “If the Leute aus dem Italian-Urlaub zurückkommen, um “endlich wieder ein richtiges Eis’ zu essen.”