
Olympiapark · Wetter heiß: Halle eisig!

Olympiapark · Wetter heiß: Halle eisig!

SAP Garden is officially recognized

Olympiapark · Wetter heiß: Halle eisig!

Bürgermeisterin Verena Dietl, Stadtschulrat Florian Kraus and Oliver Wesp, Geschäftsführer Red Bull Stadion München GmbH, have the Eisflächen in the new SAP Garden office of Breiten- und Vereinssport-bergeben. Photo: Michael Nagy

Olympiapark · Bürgermeisterin Verena Dietl and sports referee Florian Kraus went to the new Eisstadion SAP Garden, Toni-Merkens-Weg 4 (on Landshuter Allee), offiziell dem Breiten- und Vereinssport übergeben.

If you want to play all the sports and matches of the SAP Garden competition for Eihockey, you can make demands of the requirement and many more notes. One of the three requirements, the sogenannte Halle 1, is sogar with a Tribune ausgestattet. Diese bietet bis 500 Zuschauern Platz – and damit kleineen bis mittleren Eissportevents a new Heimat. There are no more challenges in Munich than with your own home.

Eislaufen in first-class environment

Bürgermeisterin Verena Dietl freut sich: “The SAP Garden is an end-to-end Beispiel dafür, which modern infrastructure and sports organization could hand in hand. If Landeshauptstadt Munich could with dieser tollen new Multifunction Arena in Olympiapark as well as Schul- and Vereinssport as well as Breiten- and Leistungssport Gemeinsam voranbringen. Sports referee Florian Kraus commented: “With the benefit of over 7,900 requirements for this season, we have a clear guideline for the development of sports and active leisure. The high-modern SAP Garden offers all the interests of today, with ease in a first-class environment for geniuses.” Oliver Wesp, Geschäftsführer Red Bull Stadion München GmbH said: “The SAP Garden is more of a modern multifunctional hall for Spitzensport-Veranstaltungen. With the three sister Eisflächen we offer the best infrastructure with all Münchner*innen and all Vereinen. And all under one roof .”


The prices for the demands that the city sets, were celebrated in July. Adults pay regularly 9.50 Euro for two hours, children (4 to 12 years) 4.50 Euro. The price for a youth (13 to 17 years) costs 6.50 Euro. All ice sports with Kürpatch, Kunstlauf or Eistanz are 15 Euro, the Tickets for the times are separate from each other. A Besucherkarte costs two Euro.
All information about prices, times and booking options can be found at

Article from 15.08.2024

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