
Insects – Kuchen en Eis: Ärger mit Wasps in der Gastronomie – Wissen

Insects – Kuchen en Eis: Ärger mit Wasps in der Gastronomie – Wissen

Jena (dpa/th) – In manchen Orten in Thuringia since the Wespen zum Problem in der Freiluft-Gastronomie. Die swirrenden Insekten, die siche nach Futter sind, vertreiben derzeit manchenorts Gäste en schmälern Gastronomic zufolge de Umsatz. “The problem has not been solved and it is not a problem. After all, if you have a Bäckereien and Eisdielen gehört, the Wespen can abschrecken,” said the Geschäftsführer of the Thüringer Hotel- und Gaststättenverband, Dirk Ellinger, at Anfrage in Erfurt.

Einzelne Betriebe, darunter Eisdielen in single Orten im Thuringian Forest, lead to a large Zahl von Wespen in Außenbereich. Guests are welcome to stay at home and enjoy the inner region, while staying at home. There fell Andrang reichten die Tische in der Eisdiele kaum aus. If you take the next step, this will be sold.

Fly to Eis, to Wurst

According to Rainer Hanke, Wespen- en Hornissenberater at the Naturschutzbund (Nabu) Thuringia, no more trouble is given to Wespen that year. In some parts of Thuringia you can see one of the continuous spots of the Wespenvölker on rights. “Regional differences are always natural.”

In August many western people are busy with a full stomach, it is normal, that we all have the German and the Gemeine Wespe with Eis, Obstkuchen, Wurst and other Speisen flögen. In those years, during the nightly night frost that hangs on the Bäumen, it is Hanke who will perhaps spend more time on shifting other nahrungsquellen flights. „Eine Eisdiele is then with a magnet.“ Guest and gastronomes ensure that you never have to eat or eat again.

Viele Anfragen zum Omgang mit Wespennestern

Lots of state bildende instructions in the Frühjahr a conceivable schlechten Start gehabt – roads Nachtfrösten und zeitweisen Kälte Periods, such as Hanke. Das Wetter has also infected others, which in the West are considered to be major pests, causing problems

When the food is taken, the proteins from sucking raw meat become more interesting for the dairy suckers of büten, plants and fresher fruit. The carbohydrate is dear to the Wasps Energy to fly.

In those days you should watch Nabu on requests for the handling of wasp nests at home, in sheds and gardens. “Found another wasp nest, still live a whole meadow with the yellow-brown wasps together and the wasp people die in the spring without any trace”, so Hanke. If all goes well, the nest area is no longer active and now no longer in the next nests in motion, an insect does not travel. There is a problem with avoidance, the work is a safe distance of two to three meters from the nest. If there is a problem or a problem with abroad, it is no longer possible that the machine is carried out during processing.

Wasps are protected by the Federal Nature Conservation Act – as all wild animals are. It is forbidden, it is wise to work or be a multiplying group, to let yourself be enjoyed or to help.

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