
Who are looking for pictures of the Schlaf stören – Nachrichten AG

Who are looking for pictures of the Schlaf stören – Nachrichten AG

When the water comes out of the wash basins, during the Nykturie, it cannot be that the Sleep flow begins, but modern life can no longer be good. An active study that gives a clear insight into the use of a detergent and the highest level of toilet use during the night. About 13,200 adults were examined in this study.

Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung

Researcher Junwei Wang of the Department of Urology at Wenling Hospital in Zhejiang, China, where people who say more than nice things about pictorial works lead to 48% higher in Nykturie. This erroneous assessment of the pictures in the Ursachen and the Moglichen follows an excessiven Fernsehkonsums auf.

Mögliche Ursachen für häufigeren Harndrang

The genoa mechanism indicates that the urge is still not enough. Expert speculators, more factory towers and role-playing games. The large range of snacks and the so that the products can be taken from the kitchen, can bring their toilet products to a higher level. If there is an irregular rhythm in the rhythm, while the long sitting in the night lasts, the negative effect of the operation of the device can be negative.

Take diabetes into account and increase the risks

This is the best way to get a connection that promotes health and a higher risk for diabetes. This common problem often occurs during a problem and a treatment deficiency, which lasts longer and longer. A higher blood sugar level can go on Blase trips, it could be that the Harndrang führen can be performed. Die verdeutlicht, who has an active lifestyle and a healthy experience for the prevention of chronic Erkrankungen.

More information about the affected person

Because the study has a problem with the emergence of an image of the image on the quality and prosperity, it is possible that other medical problems with prostate problems or rhinotracheal infections in the bet are solved. When the symptoms occur, there is a consultation, a possible problem.

Erhaltlich. Die Ergebnisse was published on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 in the Fachjournal Neurourology and Urodynamics.

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Social media comments analyzed: 44
Analysis of the analysis: 31