
Access to the plan, verzögerte taxable taxes, Cyber-Angriff nach dem Bilanzstichtag

Access to the plan, verzögerte taxable taxes, Cyber-Angriff nach dem Bilanzstichtag

Schlieren, August 15, 2024. The Schlatter Gruppe will ship in the first half year 2024, a gegenüber of the Vorjahre period leichtferen Order-entry of CHF 57.4 Mio. (1. Halfyear 2023: CHF 62.4 million). Der Nettoerlös remained in the first half with CHF 61.8 million. under the winter period (CHF 67.4 million). The Auftragsfile as of 30.6.2024 amounts to CHF 69.4 Mio. slightly lower than the level of Ende 2023 (31.12.2023: CHF 73.9 million). Verspätete inbetriebnahmen von Kundenprojekten im Segment Schweissen führten zu Mehrkosten, and more and more Rückstellungen for dry conventional punishments must be bildet. Sales (EBIT) for the first half of 2024 amounted to CHF 1.3 million (EBIT margin: 2%) compared with CHF 3.7 million (EBIT margin: 5.4%). These costs and recoveries relate to involvement in a higher level. For the first half year, the Schlatter Gruppe was positive by CHF 1.6 million (1st half year 2023: CHF 3.3 million).

The fragments after the production of Schlatter products are shown in the plan of the half year 2024. When the order entry for the industry is changed, it is made more normal by the vulnerability of the schienenschweiss and web machines. The orders for equipment for the repair of armored gears are moving to the previous year level. The volume in aftersales could be maintained at its level. The inventory as of 30.6.2024 is not known in the presentation of the annual figures in the Swiss segment, as far as the segment web is concerned. The Schlatter Group is closing the first half year with a high inventory level, the capacities for the laurel business year are being released. The summer of 2024 has started with the planning of orders.

Segment Schweissen 1. Halfyear 2024


Order entry: CHF 49.4 million. (1st half year 2023: CHF 50.9 million)

Nettorlös: CHF 48.9 million. (1. Halfyear 2023: CHF 51.5 million.)

Auftragsfile: CHF 57.3 Mio. (31.12.2023: CHF 56.7 million).

The Schweissen segment entry began to discover Halbjahr and focus on the segments’ on-hand capital. If the order entry for the analysis of the industrial guitar is now lighter, the order entry for the analysis of the German industry guitar is in the wartungen. The product range is normally from the order entry to the more extensive selection in Vorjahr. The Auftragsfile amounts to CHF 57.3 million. (12/31/2023: CHF 56.7 million) weiterhin sehr hoch. The Abbaut von Lieferverzögerungen, especially with the Anlagen zur Herstellung von Armierungsgittern, dauerte longer as erwartet. Dies hatte zur Folge, dass die Inbetriebnahmen deutlich mehr Zeit in Anspruch nahmen. More costs and more expenses must be incurred for conventional punishments.

Lookout Segment Switzerland

With the activated Auftragsfile, the previous capital in the Schweissen segment for the Geschäftsjahr 2024 is well welded, and the Auftragseigang verläuft gemäss Plan. The backstop in the construction of the construction projects could not be carried out in Halbjahr 2024, but now Halbjahr is working. Soul is, in Halbjahr 2024 and the Ergebnisse des Vorjahres anzuknüpfen and a German Ergebnissteigerung gegenüber dem ersten Halbjahr zu erzielen.

Segment Weben 1. Halbjahr 2024


Order entry: CHF 7.9 million. (1. Halfyear 2023: CHF 11.5 million.)

Net fee: CHF 13.0 million. (1st half year 2023: CHF 15.9 million)

Auftragsfile: CHF 12.2 Mio. (31.12.2023: CHF 17.2 million).

The Auslastung in the segment web is until the end of 2024 gezichert, and for the 2025 years the first Aufträge for the charity application could be done. If the entrance is normal, it is the best choice if there is a good chance that you will generate a next project for the general development in 2025. The system has become more profitable from the Standort Münster German and the many masses in the Standort Münster have the desired effects.

Lookout Segment Weben

The segment web starts with a higher Auftragsbestand in the summer of 2024. An example of the production in Münster of the module for weapon equipment and machinery for the restoration of mobility is the standard for the Geschäftsjahr 2024 that has been postponed. The profitability of the Münster locations could initially be Halbjahr deutlich gesteigert. The re-ausforderung is best to stop and stand much more on the scaffolding. Here a large amount of mass packages has arisen, which lies in the conversion. If the excessive load of the previous period has ended, this is a normal normalization of the output volumes. It is a gilded nun, who is in charge of the follow-up of the questions.

Lookout Schlatter Group

In total, the Schlatter Group was able to acquire half-yearly planned assets, so that the investment for the business year 2024 is assured. The terminology of the submitted projects is better in the foreground. The situation in the description market has become normal, so that the setback in the Swiss segment comes to an end. If you make a higher cost for the sale, the costs have become higher and higher for conventional penalties that probably have to be applied to the profit on the scaffolding of profitability. Further cutting points is the development of innovation that the security and the investment of the know-how in the various areas of the Swiss segments offers.

For the second half of the Halbjahr, the Schlatter Gruppe is aiming for an increase in operating revenues (EBIT) and. Trotzdem can no longer maintain the decline of the first half years, so that the years of the years are deutlich before they lie.

Honor after the Bilanzstichtag

In the ad-hoc period of August 12, 2024, Schlatter’s IT network would be aware of damage software. The IT experts work with external experts who are busy intensively, all systems can work and function on their machine as quickly as possible. The financial damage and the processing of the years can no longer be carried out.

The complete Half-Year Report 2024 can be viewed on the Schlatter Gruppe website:

More information

Schlatter Industries AG

Werner Schmidli

General manager

Phone +41 44 732 71 70

Mobile +41 79 343 62 62

[email protected]



Publication Halbjahresergebnis 2024


Publication of first financial knowledge zum Geschäftsjahr 2024


Detailed publication of the 2024 annual figures, media information and publication of business reports on the Gesellschaft website


Ordentliche Generalversammlung

Knowledge of the Schlatter Group

Schlatter Group (
The Schlatter Group is a well-known manufacturer of analysis systems for wide stands, web and exit machines for paper machine spans that work through wire web and tread. With my long-standing know-how in technology, innovation and the best service, the Swiss Reporting Standard of the SIX Swiss Exchange guarantees an external group of companies for powerful and valuable production facilities.

This media information is best in the future-oriented statements, such as those that are used for the words “glaubt”, “geht davon aus”, “erwartet” or formulas of similar art. Make sure that you focus on the undertaking and undertaking of risks, matters and other factors, which tackle the matters well, the financing, the undertaking or the performance of the undertaking that we exclude, which at that time go out of the way of the implicit assumptions were. These factories are treated among other things: the legal work with others, the new technologies and new technologies, the capital activity of the undertaking, the financial burdens, the cares in the integration of acquisitions, the under-consumption of the operating expenses, the profits and the qualifications of other employees, nightly Negotiations start Steuerrechts and their sons in this communication generate factors. Before the background information is displayed, it is no longer suitable for the targeted, targeted welding. The Gesellschaft übernimmt keinerlei Verpflichtung, solche zkunftsgerichteten Aussagen fortzuschreiben or a zukünftige Ereignisse or Entwicklungen anzupassen.