
The Happy Ending is not forthcoming

The Happy Ending is not forthcoming

After the years and the submission of the films the ARD series “Toni, mannlich, Hebamme” has found an abrupt end for the fans.

After the years and the submission of the films the ARD series “Toni, mannlich, Hebamme” has found an abrupt end for the fans.

The TV series “Toni, mannlich, Hebamme” starring Leo Reisinger and Wolke Hegenbarth will be broadcast on August 16. In the 90 minutes with the title “The Joy of Others”, at 8:15 PM it was time to watch, so let’s see what happens next.

There is a problem with the operation of the Abschluss and this is not possible. The basics: The Dreharbeiten will continue in 2022. Drehbuchautoriner and director Sibylle Tafel will then also leave from another Fortsetzung. When the program is completed, the production is completed.

Zuschauerinterest hat last night

The Entscheidung ist fullziehbar: That season of 2019 the journey should begin with the other small Einschaltquoten if nor zu Beginn. In 2020 there will be regular meals over four million Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauer ein. Both in October 2021, the film will not be older than 3.61 and 3.42 million.

After a longer break, report “Toni, männlich, Hebamme” 2023 schließlich deutlich geschwächt zurück. Films 7 and 8 are now 2.84 and 2.98 Millionen Menschen. With the vorletzten Episode went es am vergangen Freitag weiter bergab: Es blieb bei 2,61 Millionen Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauern. The Marktanteil beim Gesamtpublikum was at 12 Prozent. From 14 to 49 years old, only 6.6 percent of the products could be used – a newer relationship.

A complizierte Dreierkonstellation

Of course, a closing film and a happy ending for birth counselor Toni Hasler (Reisinger) and female doctor Luise Fuchs (Hegenbarth) would have been nice. But it turns out differently in the series finale: watch with fragmentary methods, your Beziehung with Sami (Marcel Mohab) to save. A solution has been found for the ex-frau Hanna (Kathrin von Steinburg). This teaches his new Mann Alex (Martin Bretschneider) and his pregnant housekeeper Natascha (Katja Hutko) with Georgien in the birth announcement.

If you do it right, you are dealing with the commons that make up one of the pairs. The most important thing is that the Three constellation is not combined with the following things. Toni must once more combine.

“The Luck of Others” is available in the ARD Media Library. You can follow all the bisherigen sequences of “Toni, mannlich, Hebamme”.

Toni, männlich, Hebamme: DVD-Box zu gewinnen delivers a DVD-Box with the first four films of “Toni, männlich, Hebamme”. If you use the formula, you must first fill it and throw it away. The winning game code is: #GS-tonidvd1

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