
Rheumatism: Ernährung entscheidend – FOCUS online

Rheumatism: Ernährung entscheidend – FOCUS online

Fette and Öle: Was the intestinal tract rheumatoid?

Let a role play with a role in the Ernährung with Rheuma. Some types of olive oil, leinol, raps oil and walnut oil will be used to obtain an Omega-3 fatty acid and other substances. This Öle can help, the Entzündungsgeschehen in the body to reduce and the Gelenkgesundheit to untersützen.

Fatty and trans fats, which are offered in many processed foods, fast foods and animal products, are likely to be avoided, that they could be entungsfördernd. Research has taken place, a reduction of the risks and their consequences during an attempt to reduce the risks for heart-circulation illnesses and to limit their consequences in rheumatoid conditions can.

Vitamin and mineral substance: essential for rheumatism patients

Substances affected by rheumatism are often one of the best vitamins and minerals. It contains all the B-Vitamin, vitamins B1 and B6, vitamin E, Magnesium, Kupfer and Selen. These substances are found in green Tee, Nüssen, Weizenkeimen, Vollkorngetreide, Linsen and Cashew kernels. Two paranüsse tags die reichen beispielsweise aus, een Selenhaushalt zu stabilize – wichtig: Paranüsse sollten nur in maßen genossen.