
Habona erwirbt zweites Objekt für Fonds 08

Habona erwirbt zweites Objekt für Fonds 08

Habona erwirbt zweites Objekt für Fonds 08

Photo: Habona

The Edeka Market would be worth making money.

The Habona Deutsche Nahversorgungsimmobilien Fonds 08 has included a multi-million euro investment fund in Kammlach, Bavaria, in its portfolio. The window for new investments is “favourable”.

From April 2024, an object was found that is located on the northern outskirts of Kammlach, a small town in Memmingen and Landsberg am Lech (Bavaria), called Habona mit. The anchor of the object is Edeka with a long lifespan, quickly 18 years.

This may be interesting:

The Edeka-Markt has an average of an average of 1.700 square meters, runs from 1.200 square meters as a modern sales area. The object is suitable for 100 Pkw-Stellplätze.

“Günstiges Zeitfenster for further investments”

With the Erwb die Immobilie of the protected Habona Fund 08 of the Strategy fort, to a high extent of home security objects and waiting-term strong locations federal to invest. Habona sees the Mitteilung as follows “in time, for buyers attractive Marktumfeld a good window for more investments”.

In the Habona Nahversorgungsfonds 08, which was included in the Platzierung less than a year ago, an own capital Platzierungsvolume of 50 million euros and an investment forecast of 95 million euros were created. The factory of the Fund, the Kapital van de Anleger, the Vorgängerfonds has a total of 20 investment funds.