
Full version for The Sims 2 DS

Full version for The Sims 2 DS

Want to get rid of the game for The Sims 2 on the Nintendo DS! If you go through the complete Story, you can get lots of tips and see the foundation of the torchlight and rappelling.

Solution for Sims 2 (DS)

  • 1. Go to the hotel.
  • 2. Reaktor in the Keller with Brennstäben auffüllen.
  • 3. Lift the vacuum cleaner.
  • 4. 5 Swing performances.
  • 5. Band of Heinz Ehrlicher.
  • 6. Find Tristan Legend in the Wüste.
  • 7. Tristan Legende aufmuntern.
  • 8. I am Rathaus Baugenehmigung for the Kasino purchase.
  • 9. Zurück zum Hotel, das Kasino anschauen.
  • 10. Superintendent of Bruno Mezzalto provided. A visit to the hotel and Bruno replied.
  • 11. Pay Bruno 250 §.
  • 12. Imperator Xizzle with the Supereinweicher answer. Dafür in the Hotellobby gehen. It can be a guest in the small hotel room, but the money is eligible again. Before the hotel is opened, the anruf of Frankie Fusilli is discussed. Ins Penthouse is provided by Frankie Fusilli.
  • 13. Gib Frankie Fusilli 1,000§. Falls die Summe noch nicht ausreicht, Money earnen zum Beispiel im Kasino, Zimmervermietung, Broschüren verkaufen in der Hauptlobby, Bilder in der Kunstgalerie (falls schon vorhanden). Frankie Fusilli das Geld born, from the Penthouse race, who are rein and Frankie Fusilli who are born.
  • 14. Take the package to Heinz Ehrlicher. Heinz Ehrlicher is in the Rathaus, Paket übergeben and wieder zurückgehen with Frankie Fusilli. Danach vor das Hotel gehen, Anruf von Heinz Ehrlicher kommt.
  • 15. Lösche das Feuer und beruhige Heinz Ehrlicher. Erleden en zurück zu Frankie Fusilli.
  • 16. Erreiche 20 % Hotelbewertung. So the money fell together and Räume bauen bis Hotelbewertung 20% ​​erreicht ist, dann in das Penthouse zur Frankie Fusilli zurückgehen. If the Penthouse is safe, you can stay with all your guests and have fun with Frankie Fusilli in the Penthouse.
  • 17. Tresor Bauen. When Tresor is finished, Frankie Fusilli will give an answer. When we heard a few other things, Frankie Fusilli said he was in the Penthouse and got his answer.
  • 18. Find the metal detector and find 3 metals. Detector at Jonny Schmitt in the cargo can with Milchshakes provide (max. 3, from the Kuhweide) and then in the Wüste after the Barren such. Then again from Frankie Fusilli. In the hotel is it again look and repeat, while Frankie Fusilli has left again.
  • 19. Vergrabe die Rumpelkiste night in der Wüste. Nights in the Wüste are the old man Penelope Rot. Zu Frankie Fusilli zurückkehren. Dann Wieder for the hotel and Penelope Rot ansprechen.
  • 20. Frankie Fusilli reminisces. Frankie Fusilli got an idea from Penelope Rot. In the hotel lobby, Avra ​​​​Kadavra wondered in the Penthouse. Ins Penthouse is a fantastic place.
  • 21. Grab the Oberfärsen-Schrein für Avra ​​​​Kadavra aus. Ins Rathaus gehen und Baugenehmigung für den Oberfärsen-Schrein kaufen. If it is strong, the Penthouse is gehen and Avra ​​Kadavra ansprechen. Danach in the Oberfärsen-Schrein.
  • 22. Find the mystical Kuhglocke and bring it to Avra ​​​​Kadavra. You can find a cow on the Kuhweide. Go through the clock and bring the Avra ​​​​Kadavra in the Oberfärsen-Schrein.
  • 23. Tausche Avra ​​​​Kadavras Lipstick from. I am loaded with Jonny Schmitt and Avra ​​​​Kadavra brought. If we look at a few other things, then the hotel verlassen is a fact, then there is a cancellation of an unanswered question (???).
  • 24. Find the pyramid in the Wüste nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit.
  • 25. Sarkophag found. With the metal detector in the washing machine on the Sarkophag you can set it in the Manager-Suite.
  • 26. Fire regulations find. Sheriff hat es.
  • 27. Zerschlage die Oberfärse.
  • 28. Buy the Energy Charger for Alfred Optimus.
  • 29. Collection of 20 Brennstäbe for Alfred Optimus. Satellite TV on the sun terrace, again at Alfred Optimus.
  • 30. Maulwurfkönig is no longer a stromleitungen of the Satellitenschüssel-knabbern. On the sun terrace you can enjoy the maulwurfkönig with the Supereinweicher drinks. Danach met Alfred Optimus in the Penthouse. Anschließend wieder in the hotel lobby.
  • 31. Siege 3 Roboter as Rattikator. Rattikatoranzug anziehen, Roboter am Stadtplatz besieged, Rattikatoranzug ausziehen and Mama Eber ansprechen.
  • 32. 5 Mechanical points together and into the Penthouse. Alfred Optimus is now between 18 and 22 Uhr niece in Penthouse. Danach Imperator Xizzle in the hotel lobby answers.
  • 33. Trinke Imperator Xizzles Trank neben der Satellitenschüssel und zerstöre sie. Then zurückkehren zu Imperator Xizzle in the hotel lobby.
  • 34. Siege of Alfred Optimus. Good health care, Inventory with the best health care (assuming health care), safety measures can be taken, on the Sun Terrace and Alfred Optimus and the Robot are besieged three times. Danach comes the Endsequenz and the game is while playing.

Fundorte der Fähigkeitenpunkte

Hotel (drinks):

  • Manager office: In the Nische neben dem Kühlschrank
  • Basement: next to the stairs
  • Oberfärsenschrein: In der Nische
  • Tresorraum: Ganz gives a hint in the Raum and the Regal
  • Court of Audit
  • Cold room
  • Small hotel room
  • Dschungelzimmer: Neben dem Feuer behind der Bar
  • Deluxe-Zimmer
  • Modern rooms
  • Sonnenterrasse: Hinter einer Liège
  • Safari bar: To the right of the stage
  • Fitness club: next door
  • Casino
  • Asia-Laden: Neben der Bar and the World Cup
  • Art gallery
  • Saxophone bar: Unten bei den Tischen
  • Courtyard
  • Geheimes Lager (blue container)

Hotel (Grapes):

  • Loaded by Jonny Schmitt
  • Salon: Neben der Tanzfläche anyway in Mama Ebers Zimmer and behind the Bar
  • Rathaus: Hinten im Büro des Bürgermeisters
  • prison
  • Cow pasture: Behind the Mauer
  • Wilderness (Oasis)

Remark: The Fähigkeitspunkte is nur zu bestimmten Zeiten (1-mal pro Woche für 8 Stunden) en diesen Orten.

All 24 License Plates




01 Extraterrestrial Work


02 Art Gallery


03 Binnenhof-Brunnen


04 Front room Cooling room


05 Casino


06 Hut at the Kuhweide


07 Office of the Mayors


08 Upper Color Shrine


09 Deluxe-Zimmer


10 Cotton


11 Cooling room


12 Court of Audit


13 Fitness Center


14th room


15 Safari Bar


16 Modern rooms


17 Sun terrace


18 Upper floor


19 Rat Cellar


20 Mama Ebers Zimmer


21 Saxophone Bar


22 Secret Stores


23 Asia Loaded


24 Tresor room

Tips for the Sims 2

• Who can receive a hotel guest from a good friend? Den Geist lets the Staubsauger stiffen.

• Kunstgalerie gleich nach dem Kasino bauen, for a good Geldquelle.

• Teure Gegenstände, who is missing a hotel guest, and now in the Wüste zu find, nicht gleich the guest zurückbringen. Make sure you work and enjoy in den Laden. If you are in the Wüste, the situation is worse. And if it takes that long, the Zeit is abgelaufen.

• Empfehlenswerte Laufbahn: PARTY (Gesundheitsanzeige rises bij Gebrauch der miscellaneous Gegenstände immer sehr rasch an).

• With the metal detector in the Wüste nach invruchtbaar and in Tresorraum on money machine.

• Lost Handys of the Hotel Guests finds a man on the Kuhweide, in the Wüste, in the Innenhof (even if they are legends, they are lost in the Hotel).

• The mystery of Heinz Ehrlicher gleich in Anfang lüften, später windet is in dem Spiel.

I am burdened with a new month that costs extra money. Here it is listed, what it is in the Entsprechenden Monaten:

  • January: Arcade Breakout
  • February: Heartbeat
  • March: Arkade Armada
  • April: Modern Bed
  • May: Arcade Billiards
  • June: Waterfall Simulator
  • July: Arkade Deluxe Swimming Pool
  • August: Automatic Dance
  • September: Sisyphus’ Arkade
  • October: Riesen Quallen aquarium
  • November: Arkade Kuchenfabrik
  • December: Yeti Statue

Quiz: Who Knows The Sims?

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