
Wettermoderator erleidet in Live-Sendung Panikattacke

Wettermoderator erleidet in Live-Sendung Panikattacke

Nate Byrne ist der Sigi Fink Australiens: Immer fesch, immer adrett avite und immer charmant moderiert – bwar nicht im Radio, sondern in der Morgen-Sendung “ABC Breakfast News” – des Wetter und verrät den Zuschauern, ob es brütend heiß wird, eiskalt oder ob uns doch Regenschauer erwarten.

Am Dienstag, dem 13. August 2024, verlief die Sendung alldings else, as von Byrne planted. And from the Zuschauern erwartet.

“I must listen to my music”

Because of the weather conditions (there is a question of possible overflows in the East of the country with a slightly larger temperature in the Nords), Byrne always seems more comfortable with the air. If you are nervous, you will not be in a hurry. Seine Atmung became faster. Schließlich bleibt ihm nichts übrig, als die Moderation exclude and his colleague Lisa Millar abzugeben, that understanding and souverän übernimmt.

Had war happened? Byrne is very clear about the results of the experiences: “I must be able to listen to them. Some of my experiences are clear: I habe manchmal Panikattacken. So I’m comfortable with it.“Bewundernswert: Byrne is happy, we are happy in the camera. A completely professional experience.

Open procession is celebrated

The Moderator speaks about his or her years of appreciation, about his or her theme and others who are affected by it. 2022 will be available in a new personal text. Since there is such a thing as a live transmission, the first panic attack will happen.

Byrne selbst kehrte kurz nach seiner Attacke wieder in die Live-Sendung zurück. “Tut my lead, wenn ich jemandem einen Schrecken eingejagt habe”, entschuldigte sich. The moderation team responded more fully as understood. College Michael Rowland showed on Instagram, the team würde Byrne is open to the public. And with the help of Byrne’s memories, they are always grateful for their gratitude and sympathy.

Christine tells

Not taxable

Laut der Wiener Städtischen haben bereits 40 Prozent der österreichischen Bevölkerung Be prepared to experience a panic attack. Be sure to prepare a man for a “Panic Störung”. When one attack begins, kann not replied were, oft can also be said in the turbulent moments of the fall. Naturally, stress situations can arise as well as panic attacks.

Affected spüren ein strong Engegefühl in der Brust, including Schwindel, Übelkeit, Erstickungsgefühl, Schwitzen and Zittern. Many relevant messages from Gefühl, the mind is lost and from the fear, are dead. The consequences of panic attacks are not present and they are changed in the rule after a few minutes.

Shortly combined

  • The Australian Wettermoderator Nate Byrne was responsible for a live broadcast and a panic attack.
  • There will be many years of joy with their appreciation.
  • Die Zuschauer feiern ihn dafür.
  • 40 Prozent der österreichischen Bevölkerung erlebte bereits mindestens eine Panikattacke.