
Journal Frankfurt Nachrichten – Sommerwerft: Grüne gehen auf Kritik ein

Journal Frankfurt Nachrichten – Sommerwerft: Grüne gehen auf Kritik ein

The summer yard in Frankfurt has been given a description, but the financial situation is unclear. Proud urban help is looking for the Veranstalter more Förderungen, a fortification to safety.

Inzwischen since the Festival-Tage an der Weseler Werft for and the 23. The summer yard is so flawless that it will not take place at the end. After 17 days the spectacle in Frankfurter Ostend was a fact and there was new proof that the Veranstalter a. Under the theme “Friedenskultur” comes the Festival Raum für Begegnung, Austausch, about a künstlerische dialogue. Dennoch can no longer keep up with the financing of the festivals.

In those years there were more than 200 Veranstaltungen insgesamt 120 000 Besucherinnen and Besucher an das Frankfurter Mainufer. Neben Theater performances, Tanzperformances, Musik, Open-Air-Kino und Workshops, are also rich in conversation. A children’s stage from Theaterhaus Ensembles and other workshop participants will participate in a buntes program for the young guests.

Bitte um Unterstützung behind the Kulissen

The summer yard is in any case a celebration of the Frankfurt cultural scene. The Veranstalter and Kulturverein protagon eV organizer of the summer yard will spend more years and arrange more financial matters. In any case, it is not clear whether the costs of the festivals will be covered, the demolition may no longer take place. Let the Festivals of the Künstlerische Leiter Bernhard Bub fall on the Bühne. A use for a fortsetzung in the following years can not be said: “I can now versprechen, that will be a challenge.”

A financial financing by the city and the fortress file of the summer yard, let a petition appear that is addressed directly to the Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister Mike Josef (SPD). The preparations have never been postponed and if you are willing to be willing, soft drinks are planned.

Criticism of the Grünen in Römer op de Unverständnis

The criticism of the history of the summer yard can promote cultural policy and the education of culture, science and sports, Julia Eberz (Grüne) has no insight and erklärt: “The summer yard earned 100,000 euros in those years by serving the city, Die Mittel aus der Tourismusabgabe noch nicht mit eingerechnet“. There are 49,500 euros in institutional funding for the Römerkoalition – which is also in the future – for the years 2024 and 2025, we also spend 50,000 euros on the further development of the fractions.

The Greens and the Coalition are important during the summer, Eberz explains. Fundamentally, for the rapid financing of the financing of the Tatsache, the Fractions first in February the Mittel for supplementary State Taxes 2024/25 had obtained. Fundamentally, the Fractions Project fordern want to go beyond the regulatory support. The housekeeping ensures that the State Taxes can last a while before the Summer Holiday is closed. If all goes well, the man will have solid financing and a Würden nach Ferien during the summer, who has found the same financial statistics.