
Communities – Good weather for travel around the Fichtelberghaus – Panorama

Communities – Good weather for travel around the Fichtelberghaus – Panorama

Oberwiesenthal (dpa/sn) – Pläne zum Verkauf von Flächen op Sachsens höchstem Gipfel together with the überregionale bekannten Fichtelberghaus stoßen in Oberwiesenthal (Erzgebirgskreis) op Gegenwind. In a Beschluss-appelliert of the city in the country district, the most special Flächen on the plateau in the open air, with the hand that informs the city. It is possible that the traffic routes reach the area around the Schwebebahn mountain station, the Fichtelberghaus and the Friedensglocke.

The plateau on the Fichtelberg is one of the most beautiful hotels and restaurants in the area. Bisher is about the real estate of the Erzgebirgskreis, the Fichtelberghaus-packaged hat. If you have a landkreis in the Frühjahr, a number of start-up companies have started with an object and the Flächen-ring that you disguise.

The background is a higher modernization wiring. If you are concerned about the press of the publisher on the Donnerstag, the state of the sale is available.

Free State of Saxony with Vorkaufsrecht

I am Prinzip of the Free State of Saxony and Vorkaufsrecht for the area. In the Antwerp on a small file of the Landtagsabgeordneten, Rico Gebhardt (Linke) has the Finance Minister Hartmut Vorjohann (CDU) in July aber erklärt, davon keinen Gebrauch machen zu wollen.

A Liegenschaft with the Fichtelberghaus would now have left the Saxon Haushaltsordnung, when the Erfüllung of the State Institutions died in the coming period inheritorlich sei. Dieser Bedarf sei nicht gegeben, so Vorjohann.

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