
Buchtipp: Das Fünf Sterne Wochenende

Buchtipp: Das Fünf Sterne Wochenende

In a small series, Librarians and Buchhändlerinnen from the Raumschaft Riedlingen in your Lieblingslektüre for. Heute der Buchtipp von Ingrid Reis, Büchereileiterin der KÖB-Neufra: “Das Fünf Sterne Wochenende” – a summer novel about a woman with friends and emotional excitement.

Successful food blogger

I am Mittelpunkt dies Buches steht Hollis Shaw. If you are perfect: your food blogger is a great food blogger and a glückliche Ehe. Tochter Caroline studied and went on the road.

Hollis’ Welt focuses on together with his Mann, Matthew Madden, a reappointed heart surgeon and an internationally operating Dozent, on the Road to the Flughafen which have been a great verunglückt. Der Roman began with the painting of the Unfalls.

Where the Trauer phase is located, Hollis von der Idee is a “Fünf Sterne Wochenendes” and beschließt, itself such a Wochenende zu planen.

A woman with friends

Hollis had four friends from the verschiedene lebensabschnitten in his beautiful summer house in Nantucket a, a gemeinsam a ​​leuk-sterne-wochenende with words: Tatum, his best friend from childhood, Dru-Ann, his best friend from college. Brooke, his friend from the time, as his children’s sisters. And Gigi, his best friend on the internet, is his forum in his Blog bekendende. There is a real settlement of the first phase.

Hollis Tochter Caroline had an idea. When you get home, you can make video documentation. The story of Mother and Tochter is black since the Death of Father. Dennoch let Caroline die and her money can live it up and live a dream.

Problems and secrets

All women can lend their cooperation. You have your own problem and mystery, you say it is not good. The mixing of the relationship and the früheren-gemeinsamen-era of the woman is erggeben a roundes-image of jeder einzelnen. The week brings swelling conflicts and surprises with zum teil inexperienced Wendungen-zutage. The tension stops when the end is reached.

For my power, they die Roman damit zur idealen Urlaubs-, Sommer-, Strandlektüre

Ingrid Reis

The book is no longer tenable and lightly written. Elin Hilderbrand found the idiosyncratic treatment with one of the many descriptions of the air and the beauty of the island of Nantucket. “For me this novel can lead to ideal holiday, summer, beach reading”, Ingrid Reis found.

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Infos zum Buch: Elin Hilderbrand: „Das Fünf Sterne Wochenende“, deutschsprachige Ausgabe erschienen im Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, Hamburg, Taschenbuch, 18 Euro, ISBN 9783455017588