
Keira Knightley: Schauspielerin verliert seltene Worte über Tochter

Keira Knightley: Schauspielerin verliert seltene Worte über Tochter

Keira Knightley
“Wir haben ein legasthenics Child”

Keira Knightley

© Dave Bennett/Getty Images

At Keira Knightley it works like a kind of legal wrangling fest. Here’s how to diagnose it.

Stubbornly speaking about the “Fluch der Karibik”-Darstellerin Keira Knightley, 39, only in his childhood. It is a fact that you are in the active episode of “Ruthie’s Table 4” -Podcasts about the Legasthenia-Diagnosis by the last retranslation.

“Ihr Gedächtnis ist absolut erstaunlich” Keira Knightley speaks about her daughter

Knightley is the mother of Edie, 9, and Delilah, 4, who is married to James Righton, 40. Whichever girl is struggling with the Lese-Rechtschreibstörung (LRS), says it isn’t. You can read English chef Ruthie Rogers’ Food Podcast, “Wir heeft een legasthenische soort”.

If you experience the teething troubles in the turbulent world, the British schauspieler shuns the consequences of those affected Tochter: “Ihr Gedächtnis ist absolut erstaunlich. Siekracht dasselbe who ich damals.” Sie lerne Bücher im Grunde austrian.

“Der Text prallt förmlich ab”

Knightley is a bit of a trap among the major learning disabilities. “Vom Blatt lest if I no longer see. Der Text is of great value, but I am unable to see what the mirror looks like. If we know this, this is it,” Knightley reports.

Whoever Knightley himself is, holds the legal protection hat

Schon mit sechs Jahren wurde bei Keira Knightley Legasthenie diagnosis. Four years ago, Hilfe was lectured by Emma Thompson, 65. In 1995, Knightley’s Mutter played Scottish motorist Sharman MacDonald, 73, alongside Hollywood star Thompson and a “sin and sin”. “Meine Mutter gab mir eine Kopie des Drehbuchs von Emma and said: ‘If Emma Thompson cannot teach, she wants sister, that is teaching. You would also want to teach, then that would be Emma auch tun!'”, appeared in Knightley 2012 in an interview with the British Zeitschrift “GQ”.

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