
Geplanter Klinikverbund says Herausforderungen der Krankenhausreform

Geplanter Klinikverbund says Herausforderungen der Krankenhausreform


Mannheim – The Universitätskliniken Heidelberg und Mannheim wollen nach der Absage des Bundeskartellamts zu einem möglichen Verbund weiter kämpfen. If you argue, you will be able to follow through on the health care reform of the plants. Welch Vorteile dieser Verbund haben könnte und wie es nun with de Patientenversorgung und dem medizinischen Personal weitergeht, hat das German medical brochure both the Beteiligten nachfragt.

„These four years of work with a diet of success“, acknowledgment of the medical director and medical doctor of the Uniklinik Mannheim (UMM), Hans-Jürgen Hennes, zu dem planten Verbund. Hintergrund ist, dass die Uniklinik Mannheim unter den 36 Universitätskliniken bundesweit eine Art Sonderstatus hat. The care of the clinic is in the city of Mannheim, where the care of the other Universitätkliniken jeweiligen Bundesländer innehaben.

A more positive experience with the Uniklinik Gießen/Marburg, which ensures better health in private treatment. The Uniklinik Mannheim is a GmbH, which means other Unikliniken since Anstalten des öffentlichen Rechts. “That takes care of economical economic growth,” said Hennes.

The mental health reform is a matter of concern for the development of the organization and the personnel and structural resources of more cooperation and coordination. Damit will improve the quality of patient care.

Neben financielen Schwierigkeiten, die krankenhäuser haben in Deutschland (hohe Kostenbedingt durch Tarifsteigerungen or gegiegen Sach- und Energiekosten), hat the Uniklinik Mannheim durch diesen Sonderstatus weitere Ausgaben.

“Bestimmte Leistungen bekommen wir als Universitätsklinikum nicht refinanziert, weil wir kein Landesuniversitätsklinikum sind”, erklärte Hennes. “Besides we are a professional in oncology, we work closely with the German Clinical Research Center and develop new therapy forms, which we will continue to implement in the patient care process.”

One of the basic mechanisms used is a molecular tumor board with a genetic sequence for the patients. Diese Leistung erhalte die Uniklinik nicht refinanziert, obwohl sie kostenintensiv sei, so Hennes.

Stadt Mannheim will Defizite ausgleichen

“We will have a new infrastructure with more than 100 buildings, which will last more than 100 years. “The next step is to maintain maintenance costs and maintenance costs, which are not covered by the diagnostics of the Fallpauscale system without refinancing and the Federal Government’s Federal Government has not been covered,” said Hennes.

That’s all there is to it, that’s what UMM achieves during its lifetime. For 2025 there is a clinic in the city with a minimum of 99 million euros. “It is clear that the city of Mannheim will be affected by the closure of the clinic in 2024 and 2025. Über die Half des gesamten Investitionshaushaltes der Stadt Mannheim geht aber in das Uniklinikum.”

That’s a matter of Dauer inakzeptafel. “There are no schools, kindergartens, streets and bridges. This is why we urgently need to make some changes here,” Hennes advised. “The city of Mannheim and the country of Baden-Württemberg are trading at the same time as business.”

In the past years since the Heidelberg and Mannheim stand in the regional environment, the results of their studies have been subspecialized in their activities in the field of further development, according to Hennes. “In the COVID-19 Pandemic, the University Clinic in Mannheim has become a better part of the safety procedures of the Baden-Württemberg Region, but the country is not the only patient in the University Clinic,” said Hennes.

„The Uniklinik was the same as the Minister President Winfried Kretschmann (Grüne), who served as the first Minister of Science Theresia Bauer (Grüne) den Auftrag, einen Lösungsvorschlag zu entwickeln. It is best to solve both of these standorte mergers, which will be better than the union idea that will develop,” it will be clear to Hennes.

“The fact that Uniklinik Mannheim plans a Neubau, so that legal form as a GmbH will continue to exist. Soul is, that Uniklinik Heidelberg is more comfortable. Indirekt wäre damit auch das Land Baden-Württemberg Trägerin.”

Zusammenschluss könne Spitzenmedizin voranbringen

Since the Heidelberg University Clinic (UKHD) is extremely helpful, the health and medical care of the Heidelberg University Clinic and Mannheim has a healthy, clear and medical view. The explanation of a presentation in the university clinics of the Nachfrage.

“With all the institutions that are protected, they follow the common soul, with the association of high school and medical care, the medical research and health care in the region, and also in Germany.”

The established Association for Strategic Management of the UKHD has become more synergistic between the two Universitätsklinika bedeutende Fortschritte in der medizinischen Research und Lehre in der Krankenversorgung anboth Standorten erzielen, heißt es.

“These are the patients and patients in Mannheim and Heidelberg and in the combined Rhein-Neckar Metropol region.” The Association is associated with both Unikliniken with the best possible innovation campus “Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim” for a better understanding. Leuchtturm mit internationaler Ausstrahlung auszubauen, erklärte die Sprecherin des UKHD weiter.

If the patient care was taken care of, there would be a direct consultation with patients, and they would be clear from the Uniklinik Mannheim. Auch that 2,000 medical study places in Mannheim will be available until the end of 2026 and 2,400 places will be stocked.

Abteilungen were fortified

“Für die Mitarbeiterschaft der Verbund zunächst keine Role, weil wer besthende Abteilungen fortfuhren”, erläuterte Hennes. “From a medical perspective, we are no longer able to make significant improvements. We can’t find any specialists and can’t find everything.”

The Uniklinik Heidelberg is also open to the public, which is the association’s attraction for personal care. “As an extremely regional attractive working environment, our unions are more likely to accept new personal commitments and best personal relations for a long time,” the UKHD speaker explains.

The approval of the planted associations due to the Federal Cartel Office was subject to all legal aspects. The President of the Federal Cartel Office, Andreas Mundt, explains that the legal requirements for the care of all patients are required to stay in the region and the clinics of the patients are now in need of reliable and independent legal care providers “Fachbereichen fast gar keine” .

Hennes kann diese Argumentatie nicht nachvollziehen. „It is not possible for the Federal Cartel Office to operate, because the Unikliniken is one of the health care providers for other patients in the general and regulatory environment. “The Federal Cartel Office treats us with other hospitals and is not responsible for the health care system,” Hennes criticized.

Konträre Ansicht zur current Gesundheitspolitik

This is the case in the region where there are a few other specialized pediatric clinics available, with a focus on strategy, which is a complex treatment in the care of health care providers. „That is the Beurteilung des Bundeskartellamtes komplett konträr zu dem, was die Politik für die Gesundheitsversorgung plant. “We can continue to merge and connect in our health care organizations and we will continue to have a fresh new approach to our efforts, since we will soon be able to do this,” Hennes said.

Since the Federal Cartel Office is clear, it is also possible to have other forms of cooperation, which can also be positive and effective, even if the clinics are safe to use. „It is clear that our Annahme is good, because the first clinics will be better during your stay, and you will be happy“, it is clear that this is the case.

Die Uniklinik Heidelberg – as one of the largest German Unikliniken – habe on the Krankenhausmarkt Heidelberg has a market management system, such as the Federal Cartel Office. During the consultation with the Uniklinik Mannheim, these efforts were also strengthened by the Federal Cartel Office.

The Land of Baden-Württemberg will not be separated from others and will now be a ministerial candidate for the Federal Economics Ministry (BMWK). German medical brochure. Der Antrag soll zügig zijnstellt. Eine Entscheidung will be open until 2025, but the next day.

Der Antrag auf Ministererlaubnis ermögliche aine Prüfung des Vorhabens nach otherweitigen Kriterien. The Federal Cartel Office takes into account the legal aspects of the decision, clarifying the speech. The BMWK takes into account the aspects of health care research, health care and urgent medical studies.

Mannheim verspricht: Keine Kündigungen

When the time comes during your visit, it is clear: “We have no skills”, according to the general director of Hennes. “Stattdessen sollen voor allem Prozessoptimierungen, etwa Optimierungen der Stationsgrößen were vorgenommen, um desfizit zu reduzieren. With these actions, you will be able to come up with a Geschäftsführer with these ideas, you will be able to do so,” says Hennes.

If the question was passed on, if the ministerial decision was to be made in 2025, it was clear that Hennes: “There is no Plan B. There is a political entrée and I can’t get ahead of it, both in the German country where the medical study center is located and, seriously After all, it was possible that a university clinic would be a success.’ He is clear, man is optimistic, that is why he has a positive attitude. The BMWK itself should not comment on the impact of the fall.

The Baden-Württemberg Health Ministry is the result of additional care in the best interests of the law. The soul of the health care reform, based on the health care plan in Baden-Württemberg, is also dependent on the development of clinical operations and connections with the help of doppelstrukturen for a care course and high-quality health care management, and is clear about the care provided.

“Durch Konzentrationsprozesse und die Bundelung medizinischer Kompetenzen können Synergien erzielt and eenine bestmögliche Versorgung auch in Zukunft gewährleistet. Legal aspects of the legal aspects can be taken into account when it comes to care or more health care, and the legal aspects of the legal process are governed by the legal framework, and the Federal Cartel Office is therefore not justified in the market management of the system.

The Kartellrecht does not appear to be affected by the health care aspects of the clinic with a view to the best financial support and the health care management in the health care environment.

„Der Bund sollte diese Fragestellungen im Hinblick auf die geplante Krankenhausreform daher bereits jetzt eingehend prüfen und zeitnah gegebenenfalls erforderliche Lösungen für die Sicherstellung einer guten stationären Gesundheitsversorgung erarbeiten“, lautet die Forderung des Gesundheitsministeriums in Stuttgart.

Auch der ärztliche Direktor des Uniklinik Mannheims, Hennes, erklärte: „The political efforts and the efforts for the Kartellamt are different in themselves, therefore it is not possible for a man to implement the Mental Health Reform, who is aware of it.” © cmk/