
Black Forest House 1650: Real Estate Vision of a US Couple

Black Forest House 1650: Real Estate Vision of a US Couple

After four years of restoration, it will take more than 300 years for the traditional Black Forest House to become a creative hub. The Wortneuschöpfung ‚Uptreat’ is written by perfectly the hobenen Rückzugsort, der nicht nur Entspannung bietet, sonondern auch an inspiring Environment, the Kreativität and Innovation fördert. Here are the Ehepaar Katharina Riess/Helmut Wahl from BFH 1650 Collective in life, a membership Konzept makes exclusive Zugang more possible. The Bereiche Kulinarik, Art, Photography, Bewusster Lebensstil were cherished by the two Marketing Experts. Cooking as a creative company and the kitchen as a form of merging play a separate role. Why your choice in a Gaggenau Kitchen field and who the man is who could be an exclusive Community, it will appear on the article!

Photo: Julius Hirtzberger
The minimalist oasis in nature is inspiring for the new. The creative environment and the inspiring design of the Black Forest House 1650 are the best results for solid internal coaching or creative workshops. Photo: Julius Hirtzberger

When a longer term community thinks about the French Riviera, this idea for a real estate uptreat can take a few years. Das Paar Katharina Riess and Helmut Wahl went to Immobiliensuche. The biographical Roots of Katharina Riess and the male Landscape of the South African Republic led the Californian couple back to Germany. It has been a long time since there was any financing, but there were probably some purchases made.

A remote place, on a mountain in a nature reserve! When the historic Black Forest House 1650 has begun and the restoration has begun, the value on details becomes greater. Describe and complication, one of the 300-year-old historical events that began to develop the vision and a best way to expand the process, is everything in the field of demands and tensions in Los Angeles, a new direction.

Continue renovating Architects and designer Franz Riebenbauer from Studio Riebenbauer, most of the internal architecture process began war and the project that was brought to Kurs. With fresh ideas and inspiration, was neither a war, but a war that was lost, and the Bau would disappear.

Küche as a functional Work of Art

Katharina Riess explains: “Essen is a central element here.
The Hauptküche is no longer a visual center, it is a sculpture, the herzstück of the Unternehmens world, with Plans for Gastköche, the seasonal Küche-präsentieren sollen. Photo: Julius Hirtzberger

If you spend more time using sanitary materials, such as wood and stone, it is of course the use of the material you use. Selbst das Metall has a local Verbindung – a blacksmith, died 1683 in Gaggenau, here in the Black Forest, gefoundet wurde. Die Verbindung is still not hidden by Helmut and Katharina, but the war is the quality, design and material of the Gaggenau products, the couple has never been so good.

The kitchen in the Black Forest house from 1650 is no longer an area of ​​the kitchen, but one of the aesthetic creations – the creative creation and the tasty experience of cooking that harmoniously combines with the atmosphere of an inspiring work of art. Suitable for the membership concept, which the couple initiated and prepared for the first ‘Culinary highlights in an exceptional setting’ Event loaded.

The kraft paper is aesthetically pleasing and atmospherically described Helmut Wahl In a special anecdote: “When we talk about ‘Culinary delights in an exceptional setting’, the event says a friend and artist, in front of the kitchen stand: ‘That’s not a kitchen, that’s a sculpture.’ This feedback is the best vision.”

The Vision for the Black Forest House 1650

Konzipiert ist das BFH 1650 als “Uptreat” – een Ort, der Gedanken beflügeln soll. Helmut Wahl’s Wortneuschöpfung beschreibt een gehobenen Rückzugsort, der nicht nur Entspannung-bietet, is immpression des inspiringen Umgebung-schafft, de Kreativität und Innovation fördert. Both died here BFH 1650 Collective Ins Leben geufen, a membership Konzept is exclusive Zugang ermöglicht.

The Bereiche Kulinarik, Art, Photography, Bewusster Lebensstil were curated by Katharina Riess and Helmut Wahl. Cooking as a creative company and the kitchen as a form of merging play a separate role. “Ernährung is a holistic inheritance. Es geht yes um fell more than nur das Zubereiten von Lebensmitteln.“, described Katharina Riess their answer.

This Leidenschaft, in addition to Momente zu kosten, parts that both Gründer mit Christoph Kaiser from Restaurant Jacobi Freiburgthat has been awarded a star and the green sustainability star by Michelin. The chef of the restaurants regularly brings together guests in the Gaggenau kitchen of the Black Forest Houses for a creative Austausch in a cooperation with the BFH 1650 under the title “Culinary delights in an exceptional setting”. Current dates were linked to the newsletter or to the website of

If the part of the community signs up, this will happen! The Fahrtzeit by car drives in the rule between 3.5 and 4.5 hours, you after traffic and desired Route from Munich.