
Hesse: Espionage in Forschung – Gefahr bestehe op hohem Niveau

Hesse: Espionage in Forschung – Gefahr bestehe op hohem Niveau

Espionage in Forschung – Gefahr bestehe auf hohem Niveau

Scientific espionage is a Gefahr in Hesse. Is Welche Bereiche a problem?

Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – Hessische Forschungseinrichtungen stehen nach Einschätzung der Landesregierung weiterhin im Fokus von Spionage door ausländische Nachrichtendienste. “That Gefahrt besteht auf anhaltend hohem Level”, he is in a response from the interior ministers in Wiesbaden to a small faction of the AfD faction. Hesse as a base for the Wissenschaft and Forschung is no other role than a role, we will put a stop to Espionage at the best Risiko-darstelle.

Espionage for Stärkung der Innovationskraft

Is a Research Field Attractive for Spies? The Hessian Landesamt voor Verfassungsschutz part of the Einschätzung des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz shows that there are no consequences for its protection.

It is a question of Felder, which is extremely interesting for the development of other innovation forces. Think of other energy efforts and electromobility, information and communication technology, automation and robotics, electrical energy sources or biomedizine.

Wissenschaft berücksichtigt Spionagegefahr zu wenig

The Federal Office remains under the German Spionagefahr in Wissenschaft and Forschung by the Australian Nachrichtendienst hin. “These useful information is important for know-how and information”, it is in the information sheet for the year 2022.

So würden is beispielsweise auch versuchen, über Gaststudierende and Gastforschende and Forschungsergebnisse zu gelangen. You can make a sensible assessment of the state security that Cyberangriffe has adopted, sensible planning has been made.

Before you look at the information about the Science espionage, it is so that a large amount or best Science gaps have arisen at close quarters. “State leaders grab hold of sufficient personnel and financial resources and set them out in a planned, suitable and fresh manner”, so the Federal Office. It was a matter of a Science landscape, in the course of the espionage, but it was not properly looked at.