
Saxony: Pharmacist prangert Geldverschwendung an

Saxony: Pharmacist prangert Geldverschwendung an

In vogtland Falkenstein the world is still healthy. The foothills zone is the most plagued, young Bäumen plätschert a more modern fountain. Here it is still not possible to charge, while it still has no Laufkundschaft status. In front of the cafés are loaded chairs and tables to fade away in the summer sun.

One of the small town’s 7,600 retail locations is Robert Herold’s central pharmacy. “Man is always well served here,” said one lady, who was happy to take part in the new Apothecen-Rundschau.

Pharmacist Herold could indulge himself. His family business has 25 female and male employees. In the 1990s, appointments were only possible with the following descriptions. It is no longer possible to do this. When I do, I fall in love with Steine ​​​​on the road. It is a passion.

Health insurance funds not suppressed

When we made more money in the general economy, Herold and others were praised, but other things were hidden in the content. That is what he brought in his own professional position. “Thanks for now having a few things for my Mut. I have also received rich e-mails from patients who want mirchhaltevermögen”, he said. If that happens, it is so that during the duration of the war a problem has arisen that was never thought of.

There is a problem with credit drugs. And it is huge. The profit margin on the sogenant cycles is not that big. He found Herold as a long time his just reward, immoral and appealed to internal work and lunatics. If we no longer have passion, it is difficult and worth it.

Pharmacist Robert Herold has a stabilizing stem in his hand, which he and his English trust can find.

Pharmacist Robert Herold holds a stabilizing stem in his hand, which he and his angels trust.
© Jürgen Lösel

The Apothecary from Falkenstein has brought a stone into the Rollen, an Avalanche from the Emporung has been taken out of the cupboard. All is not well, it is a bad business. “That nothing passes according to the news, because of that I have no explanation”, it says.

Krankenkassen are in the Sinne or Mitglieder die Erstattungen und Apotheker senken können. It is a collaboration between the Spitzenverbanden of the Gesetzlichen Krankenkassen (GKV) and the Deutschen Apothekerverband (DAV).

The Federal Ministry of Public Health has given the Treiben a Riegel. Bisher hat is not good.

Statistical reactions nur jene, the network runs a credit medication and the terrible consequences of the profitable Krankenkassen. Herold worked as a Nestbeschmutzer, isolated and made a profitable Einkaufsgemeinschaft.

Reinraum is preparation

Such a functional product: Apotheker is for the treatment of chemotherapy and anti-infusions. It is a competenz under the first large amount of Sache. The pharmacies, which use an aseptic reinraumverf, order the Raw materials for your jewelry medicine. Then it can be that you are in the verschriebenen dosage with a sodium-chlorine solution. For this Tätigkeit is the Krankenkassen a Pauschale of 100 Euro.

Etwa 300 pharmacies are operating throughout Germany. Including the Central Pharmacy in Falkenstein. For a long time, Robert Herold has used half of his medications with the “Pharma Gold”, while this credit medication is generated by Insidern.

Most of the time does not go beyond the break for the recovery. If you are won, you reimburse the Raw Materials for the Medicines in the Wholesale Trade, whereby a large part of the goods are sold – and by the Wholesale Orders as a purchasing community. The health insurance funds have probably become a higher delay. For a single prescription the price is so great that it costs more than a hundred euros, in Extremfällen for more than 1,000 euros. Listen to the Sächsische Zeitung in advance.

Legal work at work

For a year’s report from the joint research team of NDR, WDR and the South German Zeitung. Danach hat Herold has had more conversations – with the Vertretern des Apothekerverbanden and the AOK-Bundesverbanden. There is a Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz who personally solved a problem. “Yes, that habit is fulfilled, that the Kanzler has said,” said Herold. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach became his own minister, here’s what. Auf een Antwort wartet Herold immer noch.

That could be one of the rules for a pharmacy, a tribute to a reformation equipment. Damit should be improved on the other hand, the health insurance funds, prices to be paid. There was a “substantial building for a responsible handling of insurance money”, he is from the AOK federal association on the question. Aktuell is one of the reference organizations. When the law comes, is unclear.

It is clear that this is the case in Paragraph 129 of the Sozialgesetzbuches Regeln, wie Preise zwischen Apotheeken en Krankenkassen bereinbart. If the empire is no longer offended, it is possible to save with the money of the versicherten.

Prices with mention

The Bundestag must help with changing legal regulations, the health insurance companies must have a better trading position with the pharmacies for delivery. This is the Zielrichtung of the Referentenwurfs. “Our health care system is one of the worst in the world. We are happy to help you with your well-being, and your health and well-being are welcome,” explains the Leipzig Bundestagsabgeordnete, Paula Piechotta, Berichterstatterin der Grünen für Arzneimittel, Medizinprodukte und Apotheken.

Also the GKV is successful, let go of its. It is possible that you use Wirkstoffen for years. Four price negotiations have a passage of abort rates for cytostatics and monoclonal anti-bodies or patent protection have been affected. If you are busy for a while, there is no question of a dumping price and a crisis of your machine.

The described practice of the high profit margins is not illegal. Heavily gilded for the uber-large amount of all medicines a festival prize regulation. Acquisition money is available for cytostatic pharmacists. This duration of the purchase price for credit medicines for the recovery of infusions with large amounts of free trade and saving of purchase communities photos.

Healing adheres to the Gebot

As long as patents on medicines lie, manufacturers demand high prices. Pharmaceutical products cost for the new drug treatment that is being carried out again. For a certain period of time, there is patent protection. The health insurance funds must be separate, but you can not compare them with the benefit cards that you can use. Healing is the highest command.

Write the candles after trading a festive party, the pharmacy or the reteller for the jewelry medicine is erstatten. If the patent protection is protected, another part of the Wirkstoffe can be restored and a generic option is also offered. Then sinks in the Rule of Price rapide. The market works regularly.

As a pharmacist association it is the active service with regard to the disease, when other people use another würden, that we deserve to earn. The establishment of the health insurance funds turned out to be so high, that the pharmacist could perhaps buy a number of things. Is this the right choice? The fragment is from the pharmacist Herold for years. First he chopped into his own branch after. Here he wondered only, why Herold did not take the money and refuse.

Pharmacies earn from the use of drugs and drugs for the infusion with Krebsarzneien. Einzelne Therapien costs 100,000 Euro. Angesichts Hunderttausender Krebspatienten in Deutschland come enormous summen zammen.

Merit “absolutely unjustified”

It is undisputed that the pharmacist has done a job and that it has become good. If the extreme profit of the Zytostastika pharmacist the presiding officer of the Arzneimittelkommission of the Deutsche Ärzteschaft, Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, has done in a previous year, it has proven to be “absolutely unjustified”. Media reports are sent to the Beitragszahler who annually charges an additional 500 million euros.

It is woolen clothing for the Kriminelle in earning money. Ready 2019 the Hamburg State Attorney’s Office arranged a wholesale raid on a manufacturer, at doctors and pharmacists. It is a best quality. These articles are now available at pharmacies with their recipes that are beautiful, the additional costs can be exceeded.

It is a passion for Robert Herold. If there are years with an incurable disease, for your infusion resuscitations, you have earned an amount of 5,000 euros per month, reports there. It is a fact.

The Staatsanwaltschaft has stopped

In the Nachfrage at the Staatsanwaltschaft Dresden it is the best choice in the best trade in general trade. It can be monetary penalties and free trade penalties that last a few years after they are seen. There is talk of a pharmacy that has made a verbotene summary, but it is a matter of acting. Since it is a company that the Staatsanwaltschaft no longer uses, it will no longer work.

From the pharmacy heißt es, the Groß-Apotheker und Hersteller von Krebsmedicikamentsen zdem versuchen würden, small Pharmacies who die in Falkenstein vom Markt zu verdrängen. So take a look at the standard recommendations for the recovery of the Zytostatika to the height. Small companies can often no longer cope with risky investments in higher Ausstattung.

Show more pharmacies

The Federal Association of German Pharmacists’ Associations (ABDA) saw the number of pharmacies since 2009 in 2023 stand at 17,571 years at the end of the 1970s. Erreicht. “However, it is not that the interest in politics exists, the care insbespree in the areas to be preferred,” said pharmacist Herold. If you are no longer a seller, you will have to undergo the bet of patients. It is not possible to use a versandhandel.

If protein-containing credit drugs prevent these studies from being unsafe, there is no research into research done. You continue with the transport, the greater this Gefahr. “Every smaller pharmacy in the vicinity has a faster delivery and a better service,” Herold explains.

Pharmacies are looking for the best investment costs and more factors of the schwindendenbelegging in the federal states. Regions can get better and better. Laut ABDA has itself the number of pharmacies, the little profit more elicit, in short time more than doubled. In 2021 went four percent of the companies, the number 2022 at eight percent and was a few years later on the percent. In a single marketplace, the Zyto-Apotheken has not managed to buy anything anymore.

Journalists keep Thema busy

Robert Herold has no Ehrlichkeit bereut en hofft, his knowledge is still the Treue halt. You can use a pharmacist to stop. First time that the pharmacy of Westphalia-Lippe by his journalist-legal message four editorials of another price can receive, is the über-verschwendung of krankenkassenbeiträgen by überteuerte kredietmedikamente berichteten.

“The journalists have followed all the rules of the art, which their fehlentwicklung beleuchtet and dargestellt. The scientist has received a credit card by the printed, TV and internet review of the light by the financing of the financing”, praised by the jury and assessed by professor Achim Baum. Peter Onneken, one of the preisträgers, has received the name of Pharmacist Robert Herold, who has not taken over this Veröffentlichung.