
mobile zone with stable Geschäft – slightly higher visibility – View for 2024 bestätigt

mobile zone with stable Geschäft – slightly higher visibility – View for 2024 bestätigt

Markus Bernhard, CEO of the Administrative Council, says: “The first half year said a stable development of sales and EBIT. If you press for growth in 2024, you will reach the EBIT guideline of CHF 68 to 75 million. I have found the best bandwidth order.»

The währungsbereinigte Umsatz is of high quality in Halbjahr 2024 at +3.0 Prozent auf CHF 488 Mio. (Vorjahr: CHF 474 million). The Anzahl vermittelter Mobilfunk-, Digital-TV- und Internet-Verträge could initially be a 2.6 Prozent auf 737.000 Verträge (Vorjahr: 718.000) erhöht. I have a German online Geschäft-value of 304,000 or 13 Prozent mehr Mobilfunkverträge abgeschlossen. In the Swiss retail business is a source of frequent frequencies in the shops in the back of the sales in contracts and accessories business to be observed. I am an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) -Business in Germany and Switzerland with a Nettozunahme of Postpaid- Subscription of 39,100 in total in the first half year of the file for Mitte 2024 a 13.2 percent on 334,400 were raised. The launch of the mobile zone in the Switzerland-purchased smartphones, the inner space of the own company networks has been renovated and under the market is only possible to sell to the end consumers in Switzerland, a 126 percent could be raised to 7,900.

The most important figures in the round

  • Vom Umsatz of CHF 480 million. wurden in Deutschland 72 Prozent and in der Schweiz 28 Prozent (Vorjahr: 69/31 Prozent) erzielt. The total consumption amount is CHF 488 million. (+3.0 percent).
  • Der MVNO-Umsatz nahm von CHF 30.0 Mio. um 22 Prozent auf CHF 36.6 Mio. Like this.
  • The MVNO Postpaid Subscription Best represents a half-year increase of 13.2 percent from 295’300 to 334’400.
  • The gross profit amounted to CHF 94.7 million. (Vorjahr: CHF 96.4 million).
  • The business income for debt collection (EBITDA) amounts to CHF 35.0 million. (Vorjahr: CHF 33.4 million) en nahm gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 4.8 Prozent zu.
  • The EBITDA of the MVNOs amounts to CHF 13.0 million. (Vorjahr: CHF 10.2 million) or 37.1 Prozent (Vorjahr: 30.5 Prozent) vom Gesamt EBITDA.
  • Operating profit (EBIT) lagged behind at CHF 28.1 million. (Vorjahr: CHF 28.1 million) with a turnover in Vorjahr constant EBIT margin of 5.9 Prozent, of the Deutschland 46 Prozent and the Schweiz 54 Prozent (Vorjahr: 47/53 Prozent) beigetragen haben.
  • The financing has a value of CHF 0.3 million. to CHF 2.5 million. (Previous year: CHF 2.2 million.)
  • The Steueraufwand betrug CHF 6.1 million. and based on the previous years, an amount of CHF 1.0 million. Like this. Der Steuersatz betrug 23.2 Prozent (Vorjahr: 19.8 Prozent).
  • The profit was CHF 20.3 million. (Previous year: CHF 20.9 million).
  • Gross cash flow from operating expenses would amount to CHF 36.0 million. (Previous year: CHF 34.0 million).
  • Net excess debt exceeds the dividend payout of CHF 39 million in April 2024, at CHF 121 million (31.12.2023: CHF 91 million / 30.06.2023: CHF 107 million).
  • The net debt to EBITDA ratio lagged behind at 1.53 (31.12.2023: 1.18 / 30.06.2023: 1.46).
  • The equity in the mobile zone includes a loan of CHF 119 million. (31.12.2023: CHF 132 million / 30.06.2023: CHF 126 million).
  • Der Gewinn pro Aktie betrug CHF 0.47 (Vorjahr: CHF 0.48).
  • Der Aktienkurs was on June 30, 2024 to CHF 13.64 gegenüber CHF 13.72 as of December 31, 2023.

Market area Switzerland

The profitability in Switzerland could be improved during the reporting period in the report.

  • Der Umsatz im Marktgebiet Schweiz afterhm von CHF 151 Mio. at CHF 135 million. or 10.6 Prozent ab.
  • EBITDA lagged behind at CHF 18.9 million (Previous year: CHF 18.4 million).
  • Analogue Vorjahr’s EBIT profit of CHF 15.1 million was a turnover of 11.2 Prozent (Vorjahr: 10.0 Prozent) in total.
  • Die Anzahl der Shops berug 126 (31.12.2023: 127).
  • Es wurden 183.000 Verträge (Postpaid, Internet en TV) vermittelt (Vorjahr: 217.000).
  • The MVNO service of TalkTalk and Digital Republic lagged behind at CHF 18.0 million. (Previous year: CHF 15.4 million). Postpaid subscriptions could reach a value of 8.5 percent at the end of June 2024 at 162,600 (31.12.2023: 149,800).
  • Der Zubehörumsatz nahm aufgrund von tieferen Frequenzzahlen in the Shops um 14.9 Prozent auf CHF 10.3 Mio. (Vorjahr: CHF 12.1 million) und 7.6 Prozent (Vorjahr: 8.0 Prozent) vom Umsatz in der Schweiz aus.
  • The sales of refurbished smartphones from the market are worth only 3,500 to 7,900 or 125.7 percent.
  • Der Dienstleistungsumsatz (Fleet Management, Datentransfer, Einrichten von Smartphones und weitere Services) offers CHF 3.6 million. (Vorjahr: CHF 3.8 million).

Market area Germany

In Germany, the Absatzzahlen im ersten Halbjahr trotz eines weiterhin herausfordernden Marktumfelds could be scaffolded. Due to the consumer support and the price pressure-geprägte Marktumfeld, it is a competitive and fuhrte with a discount of the large profit margins.

  • In der Lokalwährung mobilezone in the Deutschland market area raised the Umsatz a 9.3 Prozent auf EUR 363 Mio. (Vorjahr: 332 million euros). In the message CHF after the average of CHF 326 Mio. at CHF 346 million. or 6.1 Prozent zu.
  • EBITDA lagged behind at EUR 16.7 million. (Previous year: EUR 15.3 million).
  • The EBIT amounts to EUR 13.5 million. (Vorjahr: EUR 13.3 million), was a Umsatzrentabilität von 3.8 Prozent (Vorjahr: 4.0 Prozent) intspricht. In the report CHF the EBIT amounts to CHF 13.0 million. (Vorjahr: CHF 13.2 million.)
  • Im Online-Geschäft wurden 304.000 (Vorjahr: 269.000) Mobilfunkverträge abgeschlossen; die entspricht een Zunahme von 13.0 Prozent.
  • The sales volume in B2B trade could be increased by 7.3 percent to 249,000 (Vorjahr: 232,000) Mobilfunkverträge.
  • Purchasing would be «online» and in B2B-Trade 553,000 (Vorjahr: 501,000) Mobilfunkverträge abgeschlossen, was a Zunahme von 10.4 Prozent goal.
  • Der Umsatz beim MVNO HIGH investment EUR 19.4 million. (Vorjahr: 14.9 million euros). The postpaid file was 171?800 (31.12.2023: 145?500) and could become an 18.1 Prozent.

Changes in the Konzernleitung

Since February 2023, he has been CEO Markus Bernhard since June 30, 2024 as CEO of the mobilezone Gruppe. As executive delegate of the responsible is the strategic Weiterentwicklung, the MVNO-Geschäft, the Pflege of the Investment Investments and the Bereich M&A des Unternehmens. Roger Wassmer (CEO mobilezone Schweiz) and Wilke Stroman (CEO mobilezone Deutschland) have become Co-CEOs of the Leitung der mobilezone Gruppe as of July 1, 2024.

General provision and dividend

On April 3, 2024, the general meeting started the action and the action that will stimulate the weathering rats. In addition, a dividend of CHF 0.90 per share is to be decided analogous to the previous year, and was paid out on April 12, 2024.

Nachhaltigkeit as a component of the Unternehmensstrategy

Longevity is an integral part of the mobile zone’s internal strategy. The sustainability strategy is one of the most successful choices the ESG (environmental, social and governance) spectrum makes.

  • Governance and Compliance
  • Contributing
  • Customers
  • Smartphone Cross-country skiing
  • Environmental management

In May 2024, a new generation of mobile zones will be during the EcoVadis Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungs recommendations with an Australian medal: gold for the business company and silver for the renovated company. The Auszeichnungen look, the mobile zone with its Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative is on the right track.

Der Bereich Second Life looks at repairs and refurbishing of smartphones, but still becomes a bedeutung. 7.3 Prozent der im ersten Halbjahr insgesamt buykauften Smartphones von mobilezone in der Schweiz were brauchte Smartphones (Vorjahr: 3.1 Prozent) and is sin nachhaltigen Gerätekreislaufs as refurbished Second Life-Geräte wieder put on the Market.

View 2024

The first half year said a stable business launch. The mobile zone group is on track and can achieve the EBIT guideline of CHF 68 to 75 million. I have found the best bandwidth order. The attractive dividend policy is getting bigger. Zudem would be for an increase of the EBIT margin from 6.5 percent (2023) to 8.0 percent in the year 2025 to be realized.

The net debt burden of the EBITDA will be offset by a factor of 1 to 1.2 per final year.

For the MVNO business area with TalkTalk, Digital Republic and HIGH, a high demand of more than 370,000 customers by the end of 2024 (31.12.2023: 295,300) is planned. If things don’t go well, the EBITDA of the MVNO share is one step further.

In terms of investment costs (the cost of financing), the mobile zone is worth CHF 11.5 million for the year 2024. (2023) to CHF 10.4 million.

Based on the German lower cost base and increasing recurring revenues, the mobile zone sees a positive representation of the fully composed group.

About mobilezone
In 1999, the mobile zone was founded with an amount of CHF 1.0 billion and a group profit of CHF 49.5 million. in Reports from 2023 of one of the most recent Swiss and German Telecom specialists. The naming of the mobilezone holding ag (MOZN) was traded by the Schweizer Börse SIX Swiss Exchange AG.

The mobile zone group employs around 1,000 workers in the locations Rotkreuz, Urnäsch, Cologne, Bochum and Münster. This offer offers a full-fledged handy range and rates for mobile and party telephony, digital TV and internet. There is an unsecured consultation and services for private and management, repair services that the faith of the factory trades ran by Angebot ab. The services and products were found online on a varied web portal in 125 own stores in Switzerland.