
Great Sorge a Clinic at Segeberg – the Gründe

Great Sorge a Clinic at Segeberg – the Gründe

Im Kreis Segeberg has investigated a large Klinikum in financial Nöten. This is the case with the Kaulitz-Brüder – it was connected to the hospital.

The bankrupt Klinikum Bad Bramstedt has opened a prominent page: The Zwillingsbrüder Tom and Bill Kaulitz, appointed as members of the band Tokio Hotel, are in the podcast “Kaulitz Hills – Senf aus Hollywood” for the history of the renowned Rheumatology Clinic dem Krankenhaus stronggemacht.

In the following “Twister der Verführung” Bill Kaulitz has put an end to the execution of an investigation at a favorable location, one of the turbulent situations of the Krankenhauses in the Segeberg district on merksam van machen.

“It is so that it ends up in a family, the grim rheumatism is and immersed in that Krankenhaus-geht, it is so that it is so connected”, the singer gives the personal formulation of the instruction.

The Kaulitz-Zwillinge studies were carried out by the Arbeit des Fachklinikums. Tom Kaulitz stated: “It is a competence center that makes a specialist clinic. And it is such that it must urgently apply for funding.” This story has come to the successful solution of the solution, while the clinic can wait for a year.

The situation in the Krankenhauses is the “Abendblatt” that it preaches. After the American FEK-neumünster as Betreiber of the Akutklinik has such a large investor in the house with 1,000 Angestellten and 13,000 Patients and Patients who go wrong a lot. While the Investor IGP with the Reha-Bereich-beleggingswollen, now with boats, the common house of the company and the further development of the house, gets to work. If there is an end to the loss, this can not happen.

In this podcast, Kaulitz-Brüder has a final application for a potenzielle Unterstützer: “If you are in the area, you know the medical investors, the city of Bad Bramstedt or was there ever – if you live there, it is If you have the right knowledge and the whole wollen, the Klinik retten, stop and woman nor wollen, and if you want to start talking, you can end up here in the Podcast.”

The prominent assistance of the Klinikum Bad Bramstedt makes it possible to do this.