
New invita-Wohnhaus in Pram eröffnet

New invita-Wohnhaus in Pram eröffnet

PRAM. I plan to invite the Wohnhaus der Caritas in September. 24 People of enormous size became part of their finds. You can leave the house as one of the offenses you have committed.

Caritas has been invited to the psychosoziale Vor- und Nachsorge in Ganz Upper Austria for the past 27 years. In various forms of living, working conditions and mobile service management, we welcome almost 600 people with minimally significant interactions.

A new invitation for a stand is in September in Kinderwagen. A new life is being breathed into three Wohneinheiten in denen of you eight people in Einzelzimmern leben können. You can continue for a while with an operation in the Alltag. Erdgeschoss wurden Räume für eine Arztpraxis is aimed. The Bautrager of the Gebäudes is the law, four million euros were invested.

“People with mental disabilities often have a poor chance of finding a suitable home form. If this is not the case, you can have the installation carried out by the care recipients. I invite Wohnhaus Pram to help the resident make a choice for themselves,” explains location manager Christian Beham.

Open door day

On Friday, August 30, all interests are loaded, from 13:00 to 17:30 on the day of the violation and the new home that the invited team knows. In front of the place is the Caritas Food Truck “Speisewagen”, in the youth with learning experiences with many Leidenschaft Köstlichkeiten zubern.

The house is financed in the promising way of the country. The Standort pram has a low quality of land and infrastructure, which offers a good solution for the infrastructure.

Christian Beham and his team are often busy when they find people in the stroller, who find the other during their first engagement. Beham lädt Interessierte ein ich zu melding. There is a good choice for all others to look at their product. Contact: [email protected] or 0676 87 76 29 62