
Mord an Ärztin in Als: Ärzte streiken roads Sicherheitsmängeln – News

Mord an Ärztin in Als: Ärzte streiken roads Sicherheitsmängeln – News

Zehntausende Ärzte in Zelf Streiken nach der Vergewaltigung und Ermordung een young Ärztin in Kalkutta.

The young family can be financed in a seminar in the early morning of free time. The 31-year-old has spent a long night at the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kalkutta in the south of Ind.

There are no functional cameras or controls

Ruheräume für das Gesundheitspersonal gibt es in dem öffentlichen Spital nicht, trotz longer Schichten, die bis zu 48 Stunden dauern können. And there are no large security masses – no entrance contact rollers, no functional function rooms. No one hinders the or the murder of the Spital and the gray Tat that you accomplish.

The autopsy report contains a list of injuries, which cause blood in the vagina, in both ages, in the world. Under the fingernails of the possibilities you will find a bloody Hautspuren. If you want to make a strong effort, before you start.

“The heart-rending precipitate makes a report on the excellent security deficiencies in our medical facilities in Ganzen Land”, writes the Ärzteverband Federation of Resident Doctors Association of India in a position statement on platform X. A request for comment is an example of four times the Indian medical issue has been rolled out. Often it takes longer.

In response to the Mord, a 30,000-year and more investigation of the following work continues. First in Kalkutta, later also in the Rest Indiens. In some cases, the Spitälern is no longer able to defeat the Notaufnahmen.

Incorrect legislation

Demonstrative desires for a relaxing education of the morden and a better protection of the health. An undertaking for a vast installation is a nice time to hang. When the Hindu nationalist direction submits, there is no notion of the matter.

In most of the 28 Indian Federal State Services, the doctors and nurses are expected to provide better protection. This can be inefficient.

If the Spital-Management in Kalkutta can leave the miss, it can not react. If you experience the mortality, it is only just a while ago. Statistics have the power over the possibilities of one of the local police: my life started after the depression. The entrance to your body was long defended. First, as the power of Eltern Druck, came to the display.

Clinic chief has criticism – and a new job

If the first objective is in the context of the activation of the guarantee, then it has not often happened that there has been an unacceptable guarantee on national policy. Das Gericht did not spar with Kritik am Klinikchef. Dieser trat nach öffentlichem Druck inzwischen zurück. Nur Stunden später übernahm is de Leitung und Spitals.

The Mord and the young years have experienced the mass conquest and expansion of a young woman in 2012 in Delhi. The Tat provides welfare for the employer. Once the political disagreements about the Schutz of the Frauen have caused a sexual shift, this is far from the case.