
Wenn die Nase unangenehm richt

Wenn die Nase unangenehm richt

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Wenn die Nase unangenehm richt
For all women and young people since they have a bad experience. Eine Ursache für Ozäna kann der übermäßige Gebrauch von Nasenspray sein. © imageBROKER/Isai Hernandez/IMAGO

Unangenehme Gerüche from the Nase können auf eine Erkrankung hinweisen: die Ozäna. Entdecken Sie, was behind those few bekannten Krankheit steckt.

The illness that can be experienced as a “stinknase” among Ozäna is deeply concerned with women and young people. Die Leidtragenden sind von unangenehmen Gerüchen aus der Nase Concerned, which were first noticed by the people in ihrer Environment.

Ursachen der Stinknase: Was ist Ozäna?

Ozäna entsteht durch eine Ausdehnung der Nasenhöhle. Privatdozent Dr. Jan Peter Thomas, the chief medical officer of the HNO-Klinik at the St. Elisabeth Hospital of the University of Bochum, comments: “Paradoxer weise, betroffenen dann trotz eines greater Hohlraums das Gefühl, weniger gut atmen zu können”. There is no change in the environment for this care.

The first Ozäna is known during a journey through the natural environment. These secondary forms can be treated during surgical treatment or illness. Also, the superior use of natural sprays can lead to improvements.

Symptoms and symptoms of a stink bug

The symptoms of a bad smell are common. Häufig messages Betroffene von Schwierigkeiten beim Atmen durch die Nase. Dr. Thomas ergänzt: „Manche messages auch von einem diffusen Kopfdruck“. More indicators can be sent:

  • Bildung von Krusten und Borken in der Nase
  • Nasal bleeding
  • Confined scent sense
  • Exhale smell from the nose

In the erweiterten Nasenhöhle können sich Bakterien ansiedeln, which have a schleimigen Belag bilden, the für the unangenehmen Geruch is responsible.

Diagnosis of Stinknase

In the most recent cases there is an endoscopic examination of the diagnosis. All other symptoms can occur in other cases. Both children can play together and be a free member in their own time. Dr. Thomas warns: “If you have a child who lives in your home, you will always be welcome as a free helper with a Stiftkappe dahinter”. You can also solve problems with your own problems. In some cases, there is a genetic disorder that causes other diseases, which causes the development of a tumor in the body, as well as the underlying cause of bacterial infections.

Treatment options at Ozäna

Die Therapie der Ozäna konzentriert sich auf die Pflege der Nase. Nasensalben und Nasenspülungen mit Salzlösungen können helfen, Krusten zu erweichen. Ein Arzt can then Eiter absaugen und Krusten entfernen. Antibiotics were established for both bacterial infections. Dr. Thomas said: “Besides infected infections, men are best treated with antibiotics, but antibiotics are used.”

Self-help at Stinknase

There are some dimensions that can be personally appreciated:

  1. Treat your body with natural nourishment sprays
  2. Take two more liters of water drinks
  3. Avoid heavy rain, especially in winter
  4. Including vitamin A, E and zinc
  5. Inhalation with mineral salt solutions
  6. Care for your health and care for your child

We will continue to discuss this further and be consulted. Dieser kann über weitere Behandlungsmöglichkeiten entscheiden. Information is available at Nasensprays: Not all Nasensprays are available in Ozäna here. Sprays with a milder effect can remove the smell. It is important that you meet the right target. (jbr)

Dieser Beitrag beinhaltet allgemeine Informationen zum jeweiligen Gesundheitsthema and should not do the self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. There are some shortcomings in the due process. Individuelle Fragen zu Krankheitsbildern dürfen von unserererereraktion nicht beanswertet.