
RTL expert Björn Werner doubts Hammer-Job at Indianapolis Colts ab

RTL expert Björn Werner doubts Hammer-Job at Indianapolis Colts ab

Neuer Hammer-Job for RTL-Experte

NFL journey for Björn Werner continues!

Jan Stecker and Björn Werner rap in RTL-Studio

Björn Werner is here in RTL-NFL-Studio with expert panel Jan Stecker, RTL, RTL Interactive

Was an honor for RTL NFL expert Björn Werner!

Signal Ex-Team, the Indiana Colts, ernennen de Hunen zum globale Markenbotschafter!

The NFL journey for RTL expert Werner continues!

The Indianapolis Colts kept Björn Werner for eleven years in the first run in the NFL. Werner remained faithful to the club and returned the Colts jersey with a hat. The NFL teams celebrate all year round. Today the trip with the Colts goes in the next round! The US team honors Werner as a market competitor!

Reading tip: Season for German NFL pro David Bada?!

New Job, New Relationships: In his role as Colts-Botschafter, Werner maintains the Mark “Colts” in Germany and Austria, repräsentiert des Team bei öffentlichen Aufttocht, knüpft Kontakte zu neuen und besthenden Fans and functions as a supporter for the general community d Marketing strategy the Teams. Darüber has given Werners Marke “Bromance Sports” a partnership with the Colts, one of these regional individual digital institutions.

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