
POLITIK-BLOG/Grünen-Politikerin Mihalic fordert besseren Schutz critical Infrastructures | 16.08.24

POLITIK-BLOG/Grünen-Politikerin Mihalic fordert besseren Schutz critical Infrastructures | 16.08.24

The overview in the Kurzmeldungen zu Entwicklungen, Ergebnissen and Einschätzungen around the Bundesdeutsche Politik:

Grünen-Politikerin Mihalic fordert besseren Schutz more critical Infrastructures

The Parlamentarische Geschäftsführerin der Grünen-Bundestagsfaction, Irene Mihalic, has ordered a successful Schutz-critical infrastructure. “Die Vorfälle bei der Bundeswehr “Say once more, whatever it is, it is a fact that in a number of cases we are in a bad position, and that is a consequence of the emergence of a new company,” says the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. “We must swing better in the protection of our life support, the so-called annoying infrastructures, attacks and sabotage.” Mihalic said: “We were further urged in Parliament to finally reconsider the longest-standing critical thinking law for the protection of our critical infrastructures. Here it is best to commit an urgent treatment of the lungs.”

Rheinland-Pfälzischer Prime Minister will provide Elementarversicherungspflicht

The Minister-President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Alexander Schweitzer, is calling for a Pflicht voor Elementarschadensversicherung. “We will be able to find more information, we will be able to find more information,” said Schweitzer der Funke-Mediengruppe. “Das ist kein Zustand.” The State can no longer prolong all risks and prevent all damage, because the security measures are no longer effective, but it is a solidarity organization that stands up for the SPD police. “It is a principle of solidarity. And the bitter truth is: There is no longer a single region in Germany that could live alone, but experience extreme weather,” said Schweitzer. The Rhineland-Palatinate War of 2021 was hit by the Flut Catastrophe in the Ahr Valley.

FDP Party Leader: Kein Bedarf for Gesichtserkennungs-Gesetz Faesers

The FDP lehnt de Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) gesetzliche Neuregulation zur Einsetzung von Gesichtserkennungs-Software by de Polizei ab. “For a new arrangement, it is worthwhile to use the best rules,” says FDP faction leader Christian Dürr of Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. “If terrorists have information about themselves on the Internet, they can use security information themselves.” While you are skeptical about Faeser’s Plans, the word for the öffentliche Mitführen of Messern zu verschärfen and kann nur noch een Klingenlänge under 6 Zentimetern-zuzulassen. “Eine Waffenrechtsverschärfung träfe auch Jägerinnen und Jäger. Kriminelle would not be interesting, otherwise it would not be passed on,” he said. Messerbots zones are effective.

Stamp warning Asylbewerber for Urlaubsreisen ins Heimatland

The Federal Government’s Migration Officer, Joachim Stamp (FDP), warned Asylbewerber davor, for Freizeitoder Urlaubszwecken in his Homeland zu reisen. “Deutschland must be happy, but not bloody,” said the Bild-Zeitung. “De Behörden müssen sicherstellen, dass Menschen, die bei uns Schutz beantragt haben, aber im Heimatland Urlaub machen, unmittelbar ihren Schutzstatus loseren en nicht meer in Deutschland bleiben können. Punkt.” Stempel said that it was a young message about the journey of Afghan Asylbewerbern in the Heimatland “stinksauer”. The Federal Government is “unermüdlich daran, more Ordnung in die Migration zu Bringen”, as the stamp says. “De fehlende konsequenz und dieser macht alles kaputt.” Stamp concrete, here müssten Bund, Länder und Kommunen gemeinsam durchgreifen.

Laschet: Merz hat ohne frühere Merkel-Wähler keine Chance

Armin Laschet, chairman of the CDU under Friedrich Merz, is now a candidate for the Union for the Bundestagwahl 2021 with a Merkel-Wähler bond Chances of a power play in the coming years. “Bei Friedrich Merz since the Grundvoraussetzungen heute alles, as sie es 2021 bei mir were. There will be jetzt aus der Oppositionszeit and wird an seinem Vorgänger messen zijn – een derzeit nicht besonders überzeugenden Kanzler”, said Laschet dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. Before you can go years further if you get hints, you can fix the damage from the harmful effects of Kanzlerin Angela Merkel For the greater or 16th year of union-led government, we cannot afford it. This time of opposition stems from the fight for the future. “There is now a chance, if the former Merkel-Wähler can give a hint,” Laschet said.

Dürr: FDP acts at Haushalt keine halbsoliden Lösungen

FDP faction leader Christian Dürr has warned the government that the Bundeshaushalt 2025 entails legitimate risks. “For the FDP it is clear that not a single problem has been solved,” said Durr dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. “If there is a clear understanding, it is possible to be lawful and it is full of wisdom.” It is clear that the creditworthiness of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) was improved by the lending to the Fünf-Milliarden-Euro-Lücke. On the Frage nach der Sprengkraft des Haushalts für de Koalition, Dürr said: “I’m happy with it, that’s the end result.” If you appeal to a lawsuit, you can appeal to the citizen’s money. “We must change the law so that a cure is possible”, because there. Keep the citizen’s money for an amount of 14 to 20 euros.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 16, 2024 04:32 ET (08:32 GMT)