
Lohnwachstum sinks to its year

Lohnwachstum sinks to its year

The strong inflationary inflation in the Eurozone has started for 10 years and a whole series of pre-/wage spirals has started with the central banks of the Eurosystem, who have systematically collected the same data for two years. These so-called ‘Wage-Trackern’ are combined with a time investment of trading and executing payroll taxes. These data are no longer applicable, but the wage growth in the Eurospace has increased. This increase is over time a good 5 percent higher than the historical cut, but in comparison with the recent inflationary increase, it falls out moderately.

Edition Austria

The Lohnentwicklung in Österreich is one of the best ways to index inflation and de facto index inflation: A small overview of interest rates and inflation is given lation wie etwa in Belgium, aber in de österreichische Kollektivvertragsverhandlungen is üblich, dass the tariflohnsteigerung zumindest im Ausmaß der Inflation im abgelaufenen year hereafter. Here you can change the “rolling inflation” (of the VPI inflation rates for the letztrefügbaren zölf Monate). With 8.5 Prozent the Wachstum der österreichischen Tariflöhne deutlich höher as in Euroraum-insgesamt.

Simple indicator

With the Tariflohnindex (TLI) of the Austrian statistics it is a mass for the sustainable development of the tariflöhne in Austria. The OeNB-Wage-Tracker is a simple indicator that the information about the composite collective contract agreement and in the Low ist, the past development of TLI nachzuzeichnen bzw. these are predictive.

The long-term tuition fee (mostly one year) is one of the most important and important things that do not matter, if it is for one year, the rate for the next part of the fortschreiben. The value of Wage-Trackers can probably be used as a forecast for the Wachstum of the TLI. It is already earlier in the foreground of the Wage-Tracker of the lying description and the general calculation, the collective company coverage, of eight. You higher in the Abdeckungsgrad, the more likely the forecast.

From 2025 stronger Rückgang at Lohnwachstum

The Tariflohnwachstum hat Anfang 2024 met etwa 9 Prozent seinen Höhepunkt erreicht and nimmt bis zum Jahresende langam auf etwa 8 Prozent ab. Relatively speaking, this fortification is, although in the same year, the collektivvertragliche Abdeckung hoch bleibt (über 80 Prozent).

From the beginning of 2025 comes on a strong background of the Tariflohnwachstums. While the time that you saw one of the collectively tragic Abdeckungsgraden was clear, it was a fact that my Jänner may have Abschlüsse in Kraft Treten, but the Lohnsteigerungen derzeit still unknown are. The fact that the KV-Abschlüsse is a fact, dies in its next year and a strong decline in the Tariflohnwachstums in 2025 is las. If inflation increases, the predictions of the OeNB will continue, but the KV-Abschlüsse massive rolling inflation will return. Once it is like this, then the decline in the Tariflöhne’s Wachstum has become more likely if there is a problem here.

Vorteil öffentliche service eater

When the Wachstum der Tariflöhne in the Privatwirtschaft in the Extension of the heurigen Jahres, the Wachstum der Gehälter in the öffentlichen Sektor (here defined as the ÖNACE-Sektoren OQ, including the Unterrichts- sowie des Health and Social Affairs) bis z uhm Jahresende hoch. Dies liegt vor allem an eeninem hohen Abschluss für die öffentlich Bediensteten (+9.3 Prozent ab Jänner 2024). If the Abschlüsse is also in other sectors, which orient themselves in öffentlichen sectors (z. B. Sozialwirtschaft, Universitäten, private Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen, Caritas etc.).

Maßgebliche Abschlüsse im privateen Sektor traten hinggen zwar ebenfalls vor bzw. zum Jahreswechsel in Kraft, fielen aber zum Teil lighter aus, wie beisweise diejenigen for die Metaller (+8.5 Prozent) and the Handelsanggestellten (+8.4 Prozent). The Lohnsteigerungen in the Baugewerbe and in the Hotel- and Gastgewerbe were first dealt with in May in Kraft and were roads of the sunken rolling rollers Inflation with +7.1 Prozent bzw. +7.25 Prozent ebenfalls lesser. In the year 2024, a German rate will be higher in the sector than in private economics. If you do not know how your company’s services are developing, it is a private sector that negatively affects the revenue stream, while the service is used for the head abroad as the rates.