
ROUNDUP: VS genehmigen Verkauf von Patriot-Raketen und Deutschland | 16.08.24

ROUNDUP: VS genehmigen Verkauf von Patriot-Raketen und Deutschland | 16.08.24

WASHINGTON/BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The US government gives green light for the delivery of up to 600 Patriot air raid rockets in Germany. Part of the separation between the US and US departments of Congress can be informed, while the Defense Security Cooperation Agency cooperates with it. If you put the cost of the plant plants at five billion US dollars (equivalent to 4.6 billion euros), you should do this. Chief author of the US Army Lockheed Martin.

When the Raketen Deutschland contains sollen, this is unclear. See the overview of the artworks that last more years.

Bundeswehr Save your data on

“The Beschaffung serves der Munitionsbevorratung der Bundeswehr sowie zur Nachbeschaffung von an de Ukraine abgegebenen Lenkflugkörpern”, teilte a Sprecher of Bundesverteidigungsministeriums auf Nachfrage mit. Whoever found the Patriot Flugabwehr missiles Deutschland and the Ukraine ally said that the Sprecher was not “outside Gründen”. If the restriction takes place, it will be a major violation by the German Bundeswehr.

Three Systems and Ukraine Believe

It is known only, the German country of Ukraine with the Bundeswehr-beständen bilang three Patriot-Systeme-overlassen hat. There is a statue of the Russian air force of the Ukrainian air force. President Wolodymyr Selensky thanks the Bundesregierung for this Unterstützung. “Thanks, Olaf, for the air defense”, he said in July at a meeting with Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) on the edge of the NATO-Gipfels in Washington.

Weltweit one of the modern Flugabwehr systems

Patriot (“Phased Array Tracking Radar for Intercept on Target”) is equipped with the modern Flugabwehrsystemen der Welt. Damit could be equipped with modern aircraft, ballistic missiles and marshals. A Patriot System can deliver performance from a distance of 42 miles. Jedes system is better than several components with a Feuerleitstand, a Radargerät and der Startvorrichtung.

“Der vorgeschlagene Verkauf, the Außenpolitik and the national Security of the United States are unterstützen, indem there the Security of a NATO-Verbündeten improved”, this is in the Mitteilung. Germany is a heavy kraft paper for political and economic stability in Europe./sk/DP/men