
Ärzteverbände fordern im Wettbewerb um Personal gleichlange Spieße

Ärzteverbände fordern im Wettbewerb um Personal gleichlange Spieße

Berlin. Widerhall finds the investigation into the fees of the Vertragsärzten and the GKV-Spitzenverband in the Ärzteverbanden. In a community of the Hausärztinnen- en Hausärzteverband, the Spitzenverband Fachärzte Deutschlands and the Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärztinnen en -ärzte, a “spürbare Anhebung des Orientierungswertes” has been ordered in MEDI Baden-Württemberg.

Besides the fact that the Verantwortlichen in the Verbanden, the increments of the Medizinische Fachangestellten (MFA) unmittelbar in the Verhandlungen are viewed.

Engpassberuf Medizinische Fachangestellte

I passed a year how the partner of the partner feels, the rates must be calculated. The bans for the next nun, that the confirmation also follows. Medical Fachangestelle is included as Engpassberuf. Never again the Arztpraxen can use one of these sources, or Krankenhäuser would have an MFA ab.

“The collaboration between the KBV and the GKV Spitzenverband ensures that the results are consistent with the tariffs between the MFA and their orientation so that they are widely mirrored,” said Professor Nicola Buhlinger-Göpfarth and Dr. Markus Beier. The Federal Executives of the House of Representatives warn the Kassen, that they will be responsible for their responsibility.

Kassen has been swallowed by 6.7 pieces

“The active inflation of inflation, continuous inflation corrections in the policy of the practice and self-conscious personal development in the orientation of the eastern economies has proven sufficient”, so the support of the German top club Dr. Dirk Heinrich. The Fachärztinnen and Fachärzte come from the Kassen- and Ärztevertretern, that is the treatise “on a realistic level”. Make sure that you get the care for the Stecker outpatient care. The first offer of the Kassen had been 1.6 percent. The Kassenärzte had agreed with 6.7 percent.

An offer that has developed the cash register, has developed the existing economic practice of the practice, Dr. Stefan Trapp, Vice President of the Professional Association of Children’s and Youth Doctors and – Doctors an. It is lower than inflation. The questions ask that the care for a patient in the game has changed. “If the cash register is, if your insurers still find in the years of a practice, that you can treat, it is not that there is no more MFA financing possible, but also about the quality increases for the financing, that with the denen der Klinik mihalten können”, says Trapp.

Inflation in July lagged behind the Bundesamt statistics at 2.3 percent of the previous century.

Smetak see Kliniken in Vorteil

Dr. Norbert Smetak, Head of MEDI Baden-Württemberg, learned about the “unsuitable treatment between nursing staff in nursing homes and our MFA” ab. The nursing home can calculate the price costs in fuller high and unmanaged cases of the Fallpauschaal (DRG) and an adequate processing and a personal personal development in the Pflege envision.

“If you urgently want a German orientation on the orientation, you should look for a personal situation through an angemessene reaction to your words,” says Smetak. (off)