
Explosions and long staus: Ukraine greift Fähre auf der Krim an

Explosions and long staus: Ukraine greift Fähre auf der Krim an

Tomorrow the Ukrainian Streitkrafte will have a Fähre in Kertsch and a Boot in Tschornomorske in the occupied Crimean angegriffen. These Angriffe verursachten are Schäden and verstzten the region in Aufruhr. Official Commentaries are from the örtlichen Behörden in Kertsch as one of the Ukrainian Seite stehen noch aus.

The message of the “Kyiv Post” was a cloud cloud and one of the most common events in the history of Simferopol in the area Kamianka ein Feuer ausbrach. In the city of Sevastopol, Kerch and Feodossiya in other parts of the Crimea there were explosions in the air. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported an Angriff of the Ukrainian Drones and the Zwei Marine-Drohnen, which would disappear in the Black Sea. This information is not optimal.

Lange Staus nach Schließung der Krim-Brücke

It is a huge obstacle after the Kertsch Bridge, which connects Crimea with Russia. Laut “Kyiv Post” came after the nightly Schließung der Brücke zu a Stau with beef 2,000 Fahrzeugen with more than three Stunden Wartezeit. The Telegram channel „Crimean Wind“ reported on Trümmern auf der Sowjetstraße in Kertsch, the Gehweg damaged and the Straße teilweise zerstörten. Auch de Kommunikationsleitungen can be affected.