
Saxony: Rock am Störmtahler See: 25. Highfield Festival started

Saxony: Rock am Störmtahler See: 25. Highfield Festival started

Rock am Störmtahler See: 25. Highfield Festival started

The party spirit has already started at the Highfield am Störmthaler See near Leipzig. Etwa 30,000 people come to the Feiern, Tanzen and Relaxen an den See. With the line-up you can enjoy great music.

Großpösna (dpa/sn) – Am Störmthaler See in the Nähe of Leipzig with bright blue sky Himmel and 30 Grad the Rock and Pop Festival Highfield started. If it is like this, it is like this: Take three days, hear your Lieblingskünstler and see it relax. There are 50 active bands, including Peter Fox, Rise Against, Cro, Mando Diao and Macklemore. The Veranstalter rechnen after their own Angaben with beef 30,000 Besucherinnen and Besuchern.

The big Rock Festival Sachsens is no longer available after the sale of the Veranstalters. “There is no guarantee for your tickets or tickets at the tageskasse”, a concrete speech. The Festival Pass for all Tages costs 199 Euro, Tages tickets cost 99 Euro.

The owner of Badestrand locks in his or her inheritance

Schon am Donnerstagvormittag was tausende Besucher zum Festivalgelände strömt. The Highfield Festival has its own bathing beach, a small concert, beach volleyball and other active activities. So if you watch the music in the baths, you lie on the beach and enjoy the music on the beach. I am spared Abend the Water Guard blocks the Badebereich aber from Security Greens ab.

The Highfield is 25. Mal veranstaltet. From 2010 onwards, the Festival am Störmthaler See is closed, before the Stausee in Hohenfelden in Thuringia, the Kulisse für das Festival.

587 Toilets and stairs

Highfield installed three days ago. Auf three Bühnen treten insgesamt round 50 Künstlerinnen, Künstler or Bands auf. Auf die Gäste warten 57 Essens- und Getränkestände, insgesamt 587 Toiletten und 317 Mülltonnen. If you wish to experience the festival, you can climb in one of the 24 Gondola des Riesenrades.