
Cannabis clubs: Mit der Lizenz zum Anbau

Cannabis clubs: Mit der Lizenz zum Anbau

The road to the existing Cannabis Club Deutschlands with a Lizenz to Anbau führt über verwinkelte Landstraßen and Only during the Bremer Umland. There is a maize field and braungelben Äckern long, if you have a solid construction, a single single farm yard with obstbäumen in the garden. Video cameras are provided with a good gelände. The secret of the Cannabis Club Ganderkesee, on Sicherheitsgründen, says Daniel Keune.

Keune is the head of the cannabis clubs. It has been 42 years since the electronics company has a regional manufacturing facility. Keune führt durch the other Gemäuer bis in the ehemaligen Stall. Wed at the end of Futter and Vieh lowerten, liegt jetzt lighter Cannabis rumor in the air. A Holzleisten angeschraubte LED-Leuchten beamen die ersten 100 Pflanzen der Hanfkultur mit gleißendem Licht: In der Wuchsphase 18 Stunden pro Tag; when the cannabis blüten image appears, it becomes a beautiful tag. In both cases, care should be taken under the violet color. Light in the room, scales more, now finger-length stems here. An air treatment keeps the temperature at a constant 26 degrees.