
MÄRKTE USA/Wall Street marches after the Rally nor a Stück again | 16.08.24

MÄRKTE USA/Wall Street marches after the Rally nor a Stück again | 16.08.24

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–Nach de kräftigen Kursgewinnen des Vortages since die US-Börsen am Freitag noch etwas weiter gelaufen. That Wall Street marked the best day of the year. These people at the market will have to deal with the problems of the US business in a holiday with a German Dämpfer. It is a pleasure to celebrate the knowledge of our knowledge in September, but we will also be happy for September and we will have a smaller understanding of our 25 basic points. There is a strong single-handed relationship that lasts a long time during the Rally and continues during the week. “The trade-offs are that the Wirtschaft weiterhin an. The solid Wachstum of the Einzelhandelsumsatzes bedeutet, that the Fed bei der Entscheidung im September eher that Zinsen um a Viertelprozent senken wird as um a halbes Prozent”, mutmaßte Chefökonom Bill Adams of Comerica Bank.

The Dow Jones Index amounts to 0.2 percent with 40,660 points, the S&P-500 and the Nasdaq Composite equals 0.2 percent. The scores are equal to 1,775 (Donnerstag: 2,167) Kursgewinner und 1,031 (644) -verlierer gegenüber. Unverändert schlossen 60 (59) Title. The facts of the day pass in current images and love as well as arguments for one Sensation as well as a revised retreat. Während die Baubeginne und -genehmigungen in den USA deutlich stärker sanken als erwartet, lieferte der Konsum einen konjukturellen Lichtblick. The support of the US trader is felt in August as a supporter. The inflation serwartungen of consumers are different. The US traders play a role in the US business.

Renders are easy to

At the rental market, the rents are volatile, so the trading situation will be clear. Die schwachen Immobiliendaten drückten die Renditen. The positive Konsumstimmung hindered the Abwärtsbewegung der Renditen. All things were said to be of interest to the US authorities as well as the safe harbors of the military forces in the vicinity of the east coast. Those who are active in Lebanon’s Terrorism Hisbollah have Propaganda-Aufnahmen ihres Waffenarsenals and ihrer Bunkeranlagen opöffentlicht und Israel erneut with an Angriff gedroht.

Since the US dollar has the power to influence the perception of the dollar index, the dollar index is 0.5 per cent. The Gold Prize will be awarded at All Time and at the Spot Market with 2,509.48 Dollars for free so that you don’t have to pay. Der Gedanke einer Zinssenkung durch die US-Notenbank im September verfestigte sich. Diese Überlegung stützte das sinslose Edelmetall. Aber auch der schwache Greenback half. This information is available on the market for purchases from the Chinese Private Army Message. The risk of damage to the sailing at the seaside during the holiday was taken into account as a basis for the price of precious metals. A military attack on Iran and a signal force for those who could not escape Hisbollah from Israel, here’s what.

Valid Gold the experience was worth it, sank the Erdölpreis deutlich after the Vortagesaufschlägen. Markteilnehmer verwiesen auf anhaltende Nachfragesorgen for allem with a view of China. This is the case with the Verhandlungen om eine Waffenruhe im Gaza-Krieg offenbar Bewegung. US President Joe Biden spoke from FortschRITen. The Ölpreise hatten will be strong in the response to the response, which could result in a further evaluation.

Applied Materials under Printing

Under the Einzelwerten gaben Applied Materials 1.9 Prozent nach. Here you dare to have fun and play a role. The aspects that are visible in these Geschäftsquartal views of the enormous Nachfrage nach KI einen höheren Umsatz und Gewinn erzielt. Marktakteure hätten aber auf einen robusteren Ausblick gesetzt, hieß es.

The US-Regierung will cost Texas Instruments (-0.7%) a price of 4.6 billion dollars in the form of costs and research for the construction of three new half-fabricated factories in Texas and Utah for the production. Analysts speak jedoch davon, that is why their investments are successful. Dies deute af een nachlassende Nachfrage hin, hieß es.

The US Pharmaceuticals Pfizer (-1.4%) and the Mainzer Biontech (-2.4%) have large clinical studies with new immune candidates against Covid-19 and control. The combination of components can be found in a Phase 3 study for both endpoints.

H&R Block schossen um 12.1 Prozent in die Höhe. The unterstützer von Steuererklärungen wartetete with Quartalszahlen and ausblick oberhalb of the Markerwartungen auf.


INDEX will be +/- % absolute +/- % YTD

DJIA 40,659.76 +0.2% 96.70 +7.9%

S&P-500 5,554.25 +0.2% 11.03 +16.5%

Nasdaq Comp. 17,631.72 +0.2% 37.22 +17.5%

Nasdaq-100 19,508.52 +0.1% 18.38 +15.9%


Laufzeit Rendite Bp zu VT Rendite VT +/-Bp YTD

2 years 4.05 -3.7 4.09 -36.5

5 years 3.76 -2.8 3.79 -24.2

7 years 3.80 -2.6 3.82 -17.4

10 years 3.88 -2.9 3.91 0.2

30 years 4.14 -3.0 4.17 16.9

DEVISEN Zuletzt +/- % Fr, 8:10 Thu, 5:20 % YTD

EUR/USD 1.1024 +0.5% 1.0985 1.0987 -0.2%

EUR/JPY 162.80 -0.6% 163.65 163.63 +4.6%

EUR/CHF 0.9555 -0.2% 0.9573 0.9570 +3.0%

EUR/GBP 0.8517 -0.2% 0.8527 0.8539 -1.8%

USD/JPY 147.67 -1.1% 148.98 148.91 +4.8%

GBP/USD 1.2944 +0.7% 1.2883 1.2867 +1.7%

USD/CNH (Offshore) 7.1615 -0.3% 7.1767 7.1768 +0.5%


BTC/USD 59,681.20 +3.6% 58,297.35 59,654.20 +37.1%

ROHÖL jijetzt VT-Settlem. +/- % +/- USD % YTD

WTI/Nymex 76.76 78.16 -1.8% -1.40 +7.6%

Brent/ICE 79.80 81.04 -1.5% -1.24 +5.9%

GAS VT-Settlement. +/- EUR

Dutch TTF 39.43 39.65 -0.6% -0.22 +21.9%

METALLE jijetzt Vortag +/- % +/- USD % YTD

Gold (Spot) 2,508.72 2,456.48 +2.1% +52.24 +21.6%

Silver (Spot) 28.98 28.43 +2.0% +0.56 +21.9%

Platinum (Spot) 957.24 957.50 -0.0% -0.26 -3.5%

Kupfer-Future 4.16 4.15 +0.1% +0.01 +5.4%

YTD bezogen auf Schlussstand des Vortags


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 16, 2024 4:14 PM ET (8:14 PM GMT)