
Salzburg to face LASK in Champions League Play-off

Salzburg to face LASK in Champions League Play-off

Hat Salzburg new life: Pepijn Lijnders © APA/ERWIN SCHERIAU

Vice-champion Red Bull Salzburg will play against LASK on Saturday (7:30 p.m.) in the match of the 3rd round of the Bundesliga football league. For both teams, it is an important general question for the preliminary round of the European Cup play-offs. For LASK, there is a chance of rehabilitation after the home match against Altach in the week before. Captain Sturm Graz will play against Austria Klagenfurt at 5:00 p.m. Aufsteiger GAK has spent time in the Liga-Neuling Blau-Weiß Linz.

The league leads the Salzburger after two rounds as a team with the maximum points. The balance of forces is 8:3. In nice exercises under neo-trainer Pepijn Lijnders it is still no Niederlage – but also seven goals. In the Champions League qualification, a man in the back game at Twente Enschede (3:3) has to use an upward seater for half an hour. The Bullenwollen in the young Elan in the play-off are in the Champions League tie against Dynamo Kiev next week.

“The game in the Twente war is heavy, we are a gezeigt hat, that will be one of the most common football games and a very leading kämpfenkönnen are”, Lijnders explained. This experience was a man who was the LASK benötigen. The Linzer had suddenly lost against Altach with 1:2. Lijnders: “You became a sure a reaction that wants is. If you have played a good game, you will see that it can last longer. We must be prepared for that. “

The Stadtrivalen Blau-Weiß Linz has defeated Salzburg last week 5:1. It is the LASK dares in the height of the injured Hendry Blank and the willing Oumar Solet erneut Samson Baidoo and Kamil Piatkowski who have inner images. In the offensive line the liners are rotating more intensively in the Netherlands.

In recent seasons, the LASK has won two of four league matches with Salzburgerland. Das gelang den Linzern in Salzburgs Red-Bull-Ära (since 2005) davor noch nie. A 1:0 match in October follows in April before Trainer Thomas Daraz plays a 3:1 match. Stürmer Marin Ljubicic war with three towers of the last Hero. Beim Saisonabschluss holten ich die Linzer im Mai in Wals-Siezenheim allthings eine schallende 1:7-Ohrfeige ab.

“We saw a very tough game against a team that sets the tone that is the best in Austria,” said Darazs. The Altach’s own backbone is a strong sight at half time. Further search is the Lower League Positives abzugewinnen. “If the rest of the season war is played, it might be good.” If we both come together, FCSB Bucharest will become one of the matches in the group stage of the Europa League.

Check out Daraz’s long-term look at Valon Berisha. The Mittelfeld-Routinier is laut Darazs en der Ferse leicht angeschlagen and verpasses da Duell with his Ex-Club. In the meantime, Ex-DFB Team Representative Jerome Boateng could come. “There is no 90 minutes or 45 minutes of drinking. If we want to brauchen, there is so much that we can do it at the end,” says Darazs Einblick.

The coming Gegner sees the game playing at the Double-Sieger Sturm Graz that goes beyond the inner tensions. In the last Runde der Vorsaison I crowned the Grazer with a 2:0 Heimer follow-up against Austria Klagenfurt zum Meister, a nice Monat davor in the Wörthersee-Stadion against Rapid to Cupsieger. Samstag probes Christian Ilzer’s Elf in the state of Kärntens in the second Saisonsieg. After a missed opportunity at Rapid, Sturm dared to compete in Steirer-Derby. “Der Sieg gegen Hartberg had a strong and successful outcome, that is all in the right direction,” explained Trainer Ilzer.

With Klagenfurt there was an unangenehmer Gegner, the Stärken seien trotz des Kaderumbruches not lost. “Trotzdem fahren we are in the Nachbarschaft with their clear Vorsatz, through a new good Leistung on the Platz they will bring and will win,” said Ilzer, this Team in the Bundesliga now a duel of its own with the Kärntnern lost hat.

After the Sturm coach had gotten a virus that the team had secretly opened: “We became one of his spieltags, we would be hundreds of prozentig fit and have found the nominated cadre.” Klagenfurt is vulnerable, it is vulnerable.

Klagenfurt lost the Ligaauftakt beim WAC (1:4) complete, vergangene Woche depending on Rapid (1:1) before Unterzahl a first Erfolgserlebnis. ‘There is a war going on that benefits morale. We will be happy in dueling with one form star and still have a good time,” said trainer Peter Pacult. Mit Meister Sturm now comes across the “nächste, largest Kaliber” in the Wörthersee Stadium.

“Wir wollen den Schwung mitsnehmen, lauferisch and campferisch full on the High Sein. You may want to play a playful game. Now that we can survive, we will not be rich,” said Pacult. In the Abwehr, the 64-year-old Wiener was able to survive. Kapitän Thorsten Mahrer is still in charge of the battle against Rapid Sperrt. Sebastian Soto begins to resolve the duel with the meister by solving knee problems.

In 2023, Blau-Weiß Linz is not yet the winner of the GAK in the Bundesliga, in the written run both teams meet in Graz now for the first time at the highest football Ebene level. Before the Steirer is released as the Revanche in the Fokus the Aussicht on the next Punkt gets. From 0:0, the WSG Tirol is written by the men of Trainer Gernot Messner, who has been in the Oberhaus for 17 years – the lust is awakened.

“We are still happy with the experience, but we will not be able to pass it, we will be happy in the second half, but it will be better”, I would like to inform you about the WSG match, which will be a 2:3 event in Salzburg next. Now we have a multi-faceted competition on the surface and also a “Threier” hair. Although we would see “a different game”, we would see Blau-Weiß with its bright Zielspieler Ronivaldo, but it was more “radlin” than Wattens.

Blau-Weiß comes after the 1:5-Debakel in Salzburg as geprügelter Hund nach Graz. “We were going to take a 1:5 pass from the Ruhe to welding,” said Trainer Gerald Scheiblehner after the Lektion in Wals-Siezenheim, immersing himself in a 1:0 take-off in the Vienna Austria event.

„The Spiel gegen Salzburg was a weighty writing for our own Entwicklunglung der Mannschaft. We live happily ever after,” Scheiblehner said. Das Ziel said clearly: “Wir fahren dort hin, um zu gewinnen.” No more help with goalkeeper Nicolas Schmid. Der 27 years after the years started at BW before going to the English Zweitligisten Portsmouth, Scheiblehner was able to make an attempt to meet the requirements. If Ersatz steht am Sonntag Routinier Andreas Lukse prepares, then there will be a lot of joy in it.