
Who else wants to end up in the camp for the extreme rights in the Vereinigten Koning?

Who else wants to end up in the camp for the extreme rights in the Vereinigten Koning?

The racist Unruhen, who are 30. July in Great Britain and 4. August there in Gipfelten, the Faschist Banden Asylbewerberunterkünfte in Brand setzten, has shocked and aggravated Millions of People.

It is notorious that the founding legends of the far-right resistance are resisting and the response of the Stand Up to Racism (SUTR) organisers are protesting the political actions of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP).

A single Bilanz said that it is the unmoving political mobilization of the professional class that can carry out the capitalist strategy with the same strategy, an extreme right to fight and besiege.

Faschists set up a hotel in Rotherham, England, in the asylum seeker’s presence since, causing racist pogroms in fire, August 4, 2024 (Photo by REUTERS/Hollie Adams)

The struggle – the fundamental international character – will no longer be the notorious representation of migrants and Muslims before the war, the fascist hits that Tommy Robinson has set up and the Führer of Reform UK, Nigel Farage, has taken over. It is a fact that all people are fighting with the Labour government of Sir Keir Starmer and their work in the corporate bureaucracy, who are taking up the fight, the notorious socialist offensive of the working class to block.

It is not that the racist Ausschreitungen began a month later on Labour Day in parliament on 4 July. The war began on the war of Mord and three children, the von Robinson and Farage could help Muslims and asylum seekers. The poisoned atmosphere, the self-aggrandizement of the flow of migrants, which continues over the years following Labour and Tory regimes geschaff.

Who dies SEP writes in his explanation of 5 August:

The fascist and right-wing extremist tendencies of Anwachsen are a concentrated, imperialist political and capitalist consequences. The regressive Elite that promotes extreme nationalism and liberal freedom, an explosive social tension in a reaction, migrant-oriented direction of links, the rauberischen imperialistische Kriege Great Britain in favor of renunciation and Krieg gegen de democratic and social rights of the working class of their power.

The Labour Party’s Wahl campaign wages war with violent nationalism, militarism and anti-migrant rhetoric. Sir Keir Starmer said billions for NATO’s war against Russia in Ukraine for an unsatisfactory Israeli response to Gaza. Tighter borders are afoot, while the Tories have not yet “stopped the boats” and are making sure that thrift is fortified into the Labour Party’s “fiscal rules.”

The Labor Party’s first war was waged in Israel by Australian Minister David Lammy, while Kriegsverbrecher Benjamin Netanyahu made the Unterstützung zuzusichern. When the NATO summit in Washington, DC came to power, part of the Grundstein for a military escalation that benefited Russia began.

On July 21, Interior Minister Yvette Cooper launched the ‘Summer Blitz’ campaign (in English the German Nazi Begriff ‘Blitzkrieg’), with Polish migrants establishing the end of asylum seekers’ camps in hotels – a nod to the Zaunpfahl and the death penalty.

On 23. July the government of the Labor-Abgeordnete began, after it had been stimulated for a part of the economy, because it would extend the care of society for the family with more than two children from the neighborhood. On 29 July I found the Treasurer Rachel Reeves Plane for Ausgabenkürzungen at the height of 23 Billion funds, which the Streichung of the Winter heating costs sister parties for the running of Millions of other People.

Nur eenen Tag später brachen die Pogrome aus.

The vast broader professional class is oriented towards the straight program of the Labour Party, which is blocked by the German government organization, while the Wahlen are not a single work camp organization on the Basic Law-making-wage-raising unterbinden and Großbritannien zu eener streikfreien Zone machen willte. The pseudo-link of the SWP and the Stop the War Coalition, the soft part of the Mittelschicht representatives, are allied with the Starmer government and behaupten, they are würde nach links drang!