
Sparkasse starter “WirWunder”

Sparkasse starter “WirWunder”

Neckar-Odenwald district. The Social Initiative in the Business Area of ​​the Sparkasse Neckartal-Odenwald is offered on the Internet: The Sparkasse Neckartal-Odenwald starts the regional portal “WirWunder”, on the local association and social organizations that present themselves and take care of themselves. “WirWunder” is the platform of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe for the Gemeinwohl in Germany in Kooperation mit betterplace.

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The digitalization that Alltag produces and conceals the art and well-being, which is spent a lot – more and more on the Internet. There is a “WirWunder” here and: Wer für sein Project Spending sammeln will, present it transparently on the platform and people see, wofür unmittelbar in ihrer Nachbarschaft wirksam spenten können, and that über sichere and etablierte Online-Bezahlverfahren.

Make sure to make private expenditures to the Sparkasse Neckartal-Odenwald and register projects with regularly active activities. Start by starting an action, while the first project with a start-up premium is not carried out.

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15,000 Euro for historic Bienenhaus


Sparkasse Neckartal-Odenwald

Ausgezeichnete Förderberatung


Michael Krähmer, Supervisory Director of the Sparkasse Neckartal-Odenwald is looking for: “With our regional portal, WirWunder’ we bring together social projects from our region with committed people. If the Sparkasse is here in the Verortwortung and can help, long, transparent and zeitgemäß expenditure on the same.”

The Kooperationspartner in Boot-geholt works for “WirWunder”. The common Berlin Spending Platform brings 13 years of experience in the German Spending Sector with a comprehensive approach to all Spending Management.