
The benefits of medical health care continue to increase

The benefits of medical health care continue to increase

The benefits of medical health care continue to increaseThe statutory health insurance funds (GKV) are worth more money for medical aids such as hearing aids, prostheses, bandages or rollators. In 2023, the health insurance funds will pay around 11 billion euros for a total of 32 million euros in aid for their insurers. Let the costs in the past fall to 11 percent and the care fall to 9 percent. If you receive a current additional costs report from the GKV-Spitzenverbanden for 2023, consider the broadcast of the Funke-Mediengroep in your Samstagausgaben reports. Patients will be charged 982 million euros for additional costs: “80 contributions from the Hilfsmittel erhielten GKV-Versicherte im Jahr 2023 gratis”, says the Voorstandsvorsitzende des GKV-Spitzenverbands, Doris Pfeiffer, the Funke-Zeitungen.

20 Prozent der Kassenpatienten – etwa 6,6 Millionen – entschieden sich for a Hilfsmittel, for the further costs in purchasing. You have to spend 149 euros and earn 7 euros more when you are in Vorjahr. The Krankenkassen are generally the costs for the medical note and the gleichzeitig wirtschaftlichste Hilfsmittel. Additional costs (additional costs) for extras, including the care of the aesthetics or comfort, depending on the features themselves will be taken into account. The higher costs incurred at Hörhilfen and: I paid patients 1,505 euros, while I raised 600 million euros. Danach follows prostheses – with an artistic augapfel – with a cost of 504 euros. For providing glasses or contacts for patients in the schnitt 171 euros per day. For clothing, rolls, crücken or rollators the money costs 177 euros, for leg prostheses 57 euros and for bandages 22 euros. At Schuheinlagen you get 55 euros for different variants and you go for 39 euros to the schnitt. Days play more costs in the rehatechnik or the medical technical care of a small role, so that Auswertung. The health insurance companies go the high Beträge für Hearing aids (1.3 billion euros), inhalation and breathing equipment (1.2 billion euros), messaging equipment (972 million euros) as well as orthoses/shoes (971 million euros). The GKV Chief knows that all additional costs will be paid legally and good care will be provided. “First, if the Krankenkassen know the Gründe daf, it is possible, Versicherte noch besser for unjustified additional costs for schützen. Here the Gesetzgeber will end and a gesetzliche Meldepflicht for Gründe von Mehrkosten Festlegen”, by which Pfeiffer. The GKV-Vorstende employees of all Kassen patients also benefit from the cost-free variant of a Hilfsmittels who weld. “These Leistungserbringenden since 2017 have been obliged to pay for additional costs and free additional costs.” Please pay more for additional information: “Auch here you can find out”, so the GKV-Vorsitzende.

Photo: Seniorin (Archiv), über dts Nachrichtenagentur