
Urlaub in der Türkei: Tourists in Gefahr! Auswärtiges Amt mit graveem Appell

Urlaub in der Türkei: Tourists in Gefahr! Auswärtiges Amt mit graveem Appell

Entspannung, long beach days and an experience in kühlen Nass – that’s what the girls in Urlaub in der Türkei vor say. But it works like the Erholungsurlaub in Gefahr. The Auswärtige Amt focuses on an apple and all journeys. This is a clue to the warning.

Every year we spend a lot of time with tourists in Türkei. If you go further, there is a guarantee of a number of rays of sunshine or a higher price during a certain Gründe hierfür gewesen sein. Is it dem entspannten Urlauben nun aber erstmal Schluss? Zumindest das Auswärtige Amt warns all travelers for an Aufenthalt in der Türkei and spreads the information about it.

Urlaub in der Türkei: DAS solltest du beachten

If Urlaub is in the Turkish hat, he can stand out. The best plans were not acquired in a fashionable way. Bislang bestht für die Einreise first just for a journey. The conclusion: “Urlauber was completely informed about the best immunity of the country, medical advice, punishment and health insurance”, he said in a message from “Ruhr24”.

+++ Urlaub in der Türkei: Tourists are always tapping more and more in this bicycle Kosten-Falle +++

Is the Grund for the active warning, which was spoken during the Auswärtige Amt? The low in Turkish time is a time period and other way to give demonstrations. Urlaubern will be urgently reviewed, so that they may be available. But that is no longer everything.

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In a city in Istanbul you can see a vermehrt of the Betrugsfällen, at the Betrüger Tourists in a Bar Lockten, a bit schließlich das Geld from the Tasche zu. Die Behörden Schreiben: „Bleiben Sie Wachsam und Seien Sie Besonders Vorsichtig.“ If the Low in the Türkei wieder spannt, bleibt zunächst abzuwarten.