
Party demo «Rave The Planet» starts with Tausenden Menschen

Party demo «Rave The Planet» starts with Tausenden Menschen

Techno Parade

Party demo «Rave The Planet» starts with Tausenden Menschen

Growing people in their lives at «Rave the Planet» in Berlin.

Growing people in their lives at «Rave the Planet» in Berlin.

Fabian Zomer/dpa

A motto for love and happiness: Under the motto “Love is Stronger” the Technoparade “Rave The Planet” will soon take place in Berlin with Loveparade-Gründer Dr. Motte. About 300,000 people were erwartet.

300,000 people were sent out in Berlin during the Ausgabe der risigen Technoparade «Rave The Planet». The party demo is in the Tiergarten on the street 17. Juni between the Brandenburg Gate and the Großen Stern on the Spuren der Loveparade by Dr. Motte in motion.

Rund 300 Künstler und Redebeiträge

30 Parade float and 300 Artists and Artists have begun to rebuild the Tag with time. According to the police, 300,000 people were arrested. This speech is one of the other people of Dr. Motto, with the civilian name Matthias Roeingh, and of Cultural State Minister Claudia Roth for Videobotschaft.

The event is officially offered as a demonstration by the police. This is the big Veranstalter that can generate a big Party-Parade. The announcements have provided the police with the Veranstaltung with around 1,000 Einsatzkräften.

“Love is stronger” as a motto

Das Motto dieses Jahr lautet: «Love is stronger». Damit wolle man in Zeiten zahlreicher Krisen ein Zeichen für die Liebe und de Frieden setzen. The Party Demo will be used for the Schutz of the electronic Tanzmusikkultur.

There is protection and protection against the time that the Veranstalter will disappear. So do a cleaning action in the Tiergarten after the parade with voluntary installation. Official bans for glass and pyrotechnics. If you use the Veranstalter in Wunsch, you will see that the national flags are woolen. Rainbow flags see willkommen.


Recommendations from our partner

Veranstalter: 300,000 Teilnehmer verganges Jahr

I started by winning the Polizei who feiered 200,000 Techno fans under free Himmel. «Rave the Planet» brought in 300,000 people.

Berliner Technokultur pays tribute to the intangible cultural activity in Germany. The Ministers of Culture of the Bund and the Länder have taken over the federal parliamentary responsibility. «Rave The Planet» has created the Antrag design.