
So the police are fighting against cybercrime

So the police are fighting against cybercrime

An unattended click on a link in an email, a security breach on the network or a well-thought-out fear of espionage or sabotage. Laut dem Branchenverband Bitkom were 2023 72 Prozent all German Unternehmen von Cybercrime affected, 52 Prozent davon gaben sogar an, dass diese Attacken ihre wirtschaftliche Existenz bedrohen. The damage to the German Wirtschaft is estimated by Bitkom president Ralf Wintergerst at 206 billion euros. A large amount of money, approximately 148 billion euros, involved in a cyber attack. Winter barley has this “greater prosperity for the economy, society and state.”

If the companies in the police administration of Ulm, the city of Ulm, the districts of Alb-Donau, Biberach, Göppingen and Heidenheim are affected, the ransomware attacks are hit. The name of the software is derived from English Word ransom for ransom. The tatter provides access to the company network and closes these with malware. Dadurch prevents the Zugriff of the companies on its data. If you are looking for an expert on the loss of money and an individual link, you can contact the man with the printer.

Cyber ​​attacks hit craftsmen and global players

“Pro Monat is one of the Ulm police officers who has carried out a major ransomware attack on a company or institution. This goes from small craftsman to global player”, reports Ralf Möschen, head of the Criminal Investigation Department 5 (KI 5) “Cybercrime and digital traces”. Only in 2024 we were afraid that the KI 5 would also be reported. There are companies that take care of the Scheu, if the Cyber ​​​​attack is a police officer and these are actually also their own, so Möschen.

You can get an idea of ​​how to view the Angriffs. It is clear that the police know-how in this matter is not a matter of course and that the development is well known, “we come with the Mannschaftswagen, and then in large numbers, the assessment and data are still significant and so the damage will be increased” , says Möschen and unterstreicht: “Beides is nicht der Fall.”

IT specialists follow the World Wide Web

During the police reform in 2014, the Internet criminalization of the Internet could increasingly be a problem, one of the things that was done on the World Wide Web. So best the team of KI 5 with an IT affiliation of police officers, but also from IT departments, technicians, IT forensics, data analysts and cybercriminals, explains Möschen. “We do not come with the crew car, especially in civil, also fall under legend. Often it is not clear that the fear of outside or of the internal state funds is noticed. And we join hands with the ordinary IT. “

The line that continues the pressure on the market of the year is the Bitcoin Valuation.

Ralf Möschen

Is it possible to understand when a part of the cyber-angriffs join together? “We see how the tatters have entered the network, who and who has moved into the system for a long time and who has possibly exfiltrated data, in order to obtain information about the identity of the tatters”, explains Christoph H., a cybercriminal of the team. If you are at the ermittlungen, an organized criminal trade can be involved in the name that is not generated. Keep the time at work and work on the firm, before these are closed. “Before IT is for a certain situation, this is an example of Brot. I think I have the right to see how and where the fear arose”, very by Ralf Möschen.

“Pro Monat has carried out a major ransomware attack on a company or institution at the Ulm police station,” said Ralf Möschen, head of the Kriminalinspektion 5 “Cybercrime and digital practices” at the Ulm police station. (Photo: Thomas Werz)

Phishing emails and attacks on Einfallstore

It is possible that there are uninterested companies that tackle the business activities: the protection against phishing emails, never secured in the system, if this password is disabled, the industrial espionage can no longer be used by the state of the company, explained by the Leader of the AI ​​5. Believe that you can send all messages or damages by e-mail. There will also be such ‘Zero-Day-Exploits’, also passwords, for the small security updates of the Verfügung Stehen.

Ransomware is a suitable model for that time, so Möschen. “In der Regel fordern die Erpresser circa drei Prozent vom Jahresumsatz, die Währung ist Bitcoin”, erklärt Möschen. The losses of money for the sole fear are enormous. You can add more than 100,000 Euro to more Millions. “Wir raten den Firmen immer davon ab, die Lösegeldforderung zu bezahlen,” said Möschen. If it’s just a small item, it’s not guaranteed that everything will be a little longer. “Verfolgreiche Erpresser kommen gene wieder. Beispielsweise with the Drohung, absorbed Daten im Darknet zu öffentlichen.“

It is an organized Kriminalität. Aber die Täter müssen sich untereinander nicht einmal ken.

Ralf Möschen

“That is organized criminality. But the tatters should not even know themselves.” Software developers, hackers, server operators and specialized handlers are expanding into the Darknet, “with capabilities from all parts of the world”, so Möschen. If cybercriminals identify the IP addresses and IDs, they will often be in Australia and have an international right here. If the risks arise, it becomes more likely that you will get more money. “The international community would like one of the states, which spies on Russia, not to be interesting.”

So you can protect yourself independently and privately

Have you bought companies, which have private affairs, what is the best to surf on the Internet on the Internet? Ralf Möschen and his colleagues recommend, advised in the light of ever professionally active staff, possible to notice themselves. “It is a great mistake. Is it logical that the bank has fragmented the best data by mail, is it worth using the link? “, says IT forensicist Michael Wegenast. It is wise to take the personal data into account. “Many think, they have nothing to hide. We say: nevertheless, all personal data!” If you use a password for the IT specialists, it is possible that the two-factor authentication-authentication is used if the password is a different identification.

There is a problem with cyber anxiety

However, large parts are very difficult to handle. “Viele Firmen haben kein Sicherheitskonzept”, so Möschen. Either way, the odds are so high that you’re likely to quit. It is essential that all systems ensure new security updates are applied and the same Netz backups are performed. When all the people were on the Schwachstelle, everything was Vergabe von Passwörtern’s bet. “If you have forgotten the remote working place in your home office, you have since forgotten it.”

In times, in Danish paper in some offices is printed, both companies often have analogs, also printed documents and notification concepts, explains Möschen. If you use the correct telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, you can contact a number of contact partners or get other information about your contact. If the experts are concerned with determining the notifications, this is the case. A cyber attack often affects a company about weeks and months. It is for those affected an absolute critical sensitivity”, explains the cybercriminal.

“Many companies are certainly not aware of how great the threat is,” Möschen explains. “It is not that a digital attack of another generation was carried out, but now it is no longer necessary – and whoever, it will never happen.”