
The Älteste Einkaufsgalerie in Kassel advocates

The Älteste Einkaufsgalerie in Kassel advocates

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The Betreibergesellschaft der Kurfürsten-Galerie hat Insolvenz in Eigenverwaltung reported. Before the problem occurs, this is never the case.

Kassel – In the Kurfürsten-Galerie it has become years ago, we have more than half of the cargo has been wasted. When planning a belebung, the self-esteem of Kassels, the Einkaufsgalerie began to receive more attention for three years, this has not become. Non hat die Besitzgesellschaft der Kurfürsten-Galerie Insolvenz engelreportet. If it is another problem, it is a violation.

The Kurfürsten-Galerie has been active in the hotel business of Demire Deutsche Mittelstand Real Estate AG in Langen near Frankfurt since 2021. It is not possible to leave a part of the German territory.

The Älteste Einkaufsgalerie in Kassel advocates
Teaching positions, that man looks: Auf der upper Ebene der Kurfürsten-Galerie ist kaum noch een Geschäft in Betrieb. © Axel Schwarz

A real estate portfolio, in the Kasseler Galerie with more objects in Essen, Cologne and Aschheim near Munich, Demire has financed with a Darlehen in the height of 82 million euros at the Immobilienbank DZ Hyp. This Darlehen is not requested and has fallen on 30. June.

Besitzgesellschaft proposes Insolvenzantrag für Kurfürsten-Galerie in Kassel

In trading with money, the “keine einigung über a stillhalteabkommen or der eine geordnete rückführung des credits” could have been achieved, so Demire in a Börsen-Pflichtmitteilung. A bankruptcy for the four Objektgesellschaften would be unaffordable. Gegenüber van de HNA beste een Demire-Sprecher, dass auch für de Besitzgesellschaft der Kurfürsten-Galerie bereits on 22. July an insolvenzantrag was settled.

It is a matter of a bankruptcy in own management, if the debts are solved – during external payments – if you can deal with the soul, then your life is healthy. The sister Amtsgericht Offenbach has the Anträgen on this Verfahrensvariante entsprochen, so the Speaker.

For the buyers in the Kurfürsten-Galerie, it means that people will see a Demire again, or the Gebäudedienstleister who is moving on with his life.

Recently, the new low level examined by the HNA study has been reached. If the parents of the learning group had a real estate involvement, it was a longer hangout. Von Demire said: “If you understand your understanding, you will never be able to meet your deadlines or allow any taxable people to meet you.”

The hotel trader company RIMC has stopped the Vorhaben festival, in 2021 learnt henden hotelreich in the Kurfürsten-Galerie nach Umbau and modernization as Hotel der Marke “Premier Inn” at betreiben. A man with a plane “in the Finanzjahr 2026/27”, said a speech from Premier Inn at HNA airport. A Bauantrag liege seit März vor, der Umbau liege allendings “im Verantwortungsbereich des Eigentümers”, thus der Sprecher: “Wir since nur Mieter.”

Finally a Publicity magnet, heute Tristesse: Kurfürsten-Galerie in Kassel shows large leather

Were in the spärlich besuchten Kurfürsten-Galerie die longen Reihen leerer Schaufenster abschreitet, liest das das in een Nische hanging Werbeschild ausseren Tagen with sarkastischem Amüsement: “Experience your Kassels first and a single Einzigartige Einkaufsgalerie – so you can enjoy your life.” Bunt ist here nichts in those three Umfeld – it was disappointing the Billigartikelen at MäcGeiz and the Lackfarben in the Nagelstube, the lonely both Loading on the upper Ebene, who dort nor since in Betrieb. The Spielbank has never made money, but it can’t make any more money.

It is no longer possible to do this. One of the Aldi products provides for a small number of publications, a Tobacco drawers and more Imbissstuben is nevertheless. The Geschäftsstelle der HNA is geraad, the Customer Center of the Municipal Works has been busy for years. Where one looks: leather drawers, tote Hose.

Neue Akzente im Stadtbild oberhalb vom Königsplatz: The Sparkassen-Zentrale (left) and the sanitary GWH-Hochhaus (front) are next to the Gallery.
Neue Akzente im Stadtbild oberhalb vom Königsplatz: The Sparkassen-Zentrale (left) and the sanitary GWH-Hochhaus (front) are next to the Gallery. © Axel Schwarz

From the high flight that took place in 1991 at the Galerie-Eröffnung, a remediation fall has become. In addition to the direct contact with the directly adjacent Bauten is the poor goal: the fast fruitful new Sparkassen-Zentrale and the most striking GWH-Hochhaus praised the oberhalb of the Königsplatz, where the magnificent Kurfürsten-Galerie has a perspective effect.

Finally the great construction project of the Christmas season in Kassel

The war complex is not yet located in the first Einkaufsgalerie, but is located on the largest construction project of the Nachkriegszeit in Kassels Innenstadt. It was to be praised as a “Treffpoint for Kassel” for 33 years and the opening ceremony was celebrated with 1,500 guests. This was the case for a lifetime that was not overcrowded: Publikumsmagneten im Gebäude were the two-year-old Technik-Kaufhaus Brinkmann – Media Markt and Saturn are not yet – anyway the gehobene französische Restaurant vom Mövenpick-Hotel, that is present under the Marken Mercure and Best Western a first address is blieb.

Investors were damals with the Rekordsumme von 125 Millionen D-Mark (round 64 Mio. Euro) in the Brandkasse – heute: Sparkassen-Versicherung – anyway the Nürnberger Versicherung. The Bau of the Kurfürsten-Galerie in the years 1990/91 was in the turbulent Zeit unity after the German Vereinigung. „über 500 Dauer-Arbeitsplätze“ must be used, so the initiators are likely.

Zum Start war de Galerie nahezu completely vermietet with über 35 Ladengeschäften, Darunter beispielsweise or auch apotheke, gehobene Modeboutiquen and Feinkost-Anbieter. The game takes place on the third floor of the Technik-Kaufhaus as Anziehungspunkt on the upper Ebene.

For a while in the construction complex of Anziehungspunkt in urban culture and nightlife: The diverse Starclub has been in Domizil in the Galerie for a while, in 2010 the Club “Lax” in diesen Räumlichkeiten a tanzfreudiges young Publikum an. No longer that this range is in the closet, will tell longer.