
Auf der Klosterinsel Reichenau lives with a handful of Monches and Nuns

Auf der Klosterinsel Reichenau lives with a handful of Monches and Nuns

For 1300 years the monastery on the island Reichenau was war-worn for other monastery with an Einsiedeln. You can work best in practice if you are in the Reichenau.

The Ausmalung der Kirche Sankt Georg on the Klosterinsel Reichenau is an evil north of the Alps. It dates from 10. Jahrhundert.

The Ausmalung der Kirche Sankt Georg on the Klosterinsel Reichenau is an evil north of the Alps. It dates from 10. Jahrhundert.

Theo Keller

If anyone started the Pappeln-bepflanzten Damm on the Insel Reichenau, the first to fall was the Church of Sankt Georg in August. If you enter a Grünkohlfelds, you will find the Fassade deutlich abhebt. At the end of the 9th century, Basilika was born in the oldest Georgskirchen in Europe.

It is worth losing the burden of the Reichenau power: a meal is given on the large island in the bottom of the soil quickly over all gems, salat or wein-angebaut; otherwise they find here Bauwerk, which is one of the best Klöster of the European Mittelalters.

Three Romantic Churches since no end. If you see a historic historical and geographical road marking: in the center of the city, in the Ortsteil Mittelzell, the ehemalige Abteikirche, the high Münster Sankt Maria and Markus. On the western Spitze der Insel, in Ortsteil Unterzell, in front of the Church of Sankt Peter and Paul, in Ortsteil Oberzell the Georgskirche.

The Georgskirche is famous for its impressive Wandmalereien from the frühen Mittelalter: eight Bildfelder, two Meter hoch and four Meter breit, the all Heilungswunder Jesu Zeigen. If you see the fresh art of art, so the Konstanzer historian Harald Derschka, is a transformed work on the Geschichte van de Klosters Reichenau-written hat. The Ausmalung der Kirche Sankt Georg is evil in the north of the Alps, he writes. “Wir does not have a complete Kirchenausmalung des 10. Jahrhunderts in this region.” The Wandmalereien were one of the Main Grounds for the Aufnahme of the Insel Reichenau in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.

Flügelaltar with Marienkrönung and Heiligen von Rudolf Stahel from the year 1498 in the Abteikirche Sankt Maria and Markus.

Flügelaltar with Marienkrönung and Heiligen von Rudolf Stahel from the year 1498 in the Abteikirche Sankt Maria and Markus.

Sepp Spiegl / Image

Die vertvollste Buchkunst der Welt

Aber auch jenseits davon war das Kloster ein künstlerisches Zentrum. The manuscripts from 10. and 11. Jahrhundert, the Reichenauer-mönche have been created and illustrated, heard at the present time. This is the only part of the final band of the sogenants Evangeliars von Kaiser Otto III. a gem: It is decorated with an Elfbeinrelief, which is a best Goldblech with rich gemstones and pearls.

Inside I find the complete Zeichnungen, the final rücklich things, as far as the quality of the work of the sogenante Reichenauer Malschule hats is concerned. This hearing for the best was of the medium-alterlichen Buchkunst überliefert. Rund sechzig Manuscripts are noch erhalten. Harald Derschka says he has the best Büchern der Welt-horten.

Whenever and whoever comes with the Gründung a Klosters by a certain Pirminius or Pirmin auf der Reichenau, it is never an end to the end of the party. Pirmin was on 720 – perhaps in French Meaux – zum Wanderbischof geweht and zur Mission to northwestern France and one of the Oberrhein families: It is an authentic zeitgenössisch document about the Gründung, says the historical history. “724 is a traditional date, if we are in the old fixpunk, the Pirmins will go to erase, to go.”

The Gründung eines Klosters auf der Reichenau for 1300 years became free of clutter to the Bemühungen der Romanischen Kirche, the region in the east of the Franconia Christian. Dazu zählten das heutige West Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

If ideology takes the motivation from the world, an island remains as a place to stand. The Abteikirche works on the Nordseite, but there is no nature, it focuses. From Dort it is not so good with the Boot zum Festland at the heutige Ort Allensbach, and another kilometer west of Konstanz.

The southern part of the interior flies along the Seeerhein, which connects Lake Constance with the Rhine. «Gerade in the autumn of Reichenau was the motivation of the Weltabkehr not all their lives», wrote Harald Derschka: «The Reichenau is a Rheininsel, and the Rhine War is the Hauptachse des Franconreichs. Pirmin hat is also one of the Autobahn geaut.»

The Abteikirche war is a legitimate modest Holzbau. They are bare as they have a monumental mountain range and a beach center on the beach with the extension of the Nebengebäuden for the beautiful Zahl der Mönche. The nobility arranged his own for education in the monastery school. Especially capable Monks served King and Kaiser as diplomats.

Under Abbot Hatto III., at the beginning of the 10th century. Jahrhunderts, the Abtei gave an überragende political vision: The diplomatically highly gifted Abbot would have no Chancellor of the Reich, under the Taufpate and Vormund Ludwigs des Kindes, the last German Carolingian kings.

Im Vordergrund ist die romanische Säulenbasilika St. Peter und Paul auf der Insel Reichenau zu sehen.

Im Vordergrund ist die romanische Säulenbasilika St. Peter und Paul auf der Insel Reichenau zu sehen.

Felix Kastel / dpa

Neue Wohngemeinschaft von Mönchen

The Abtei Reichenau has been away for the Entstehung other Klöster, erzählt Urban Federer, Abt des Klosters Einsiedeln in Kanton Schwyz: «The Bedeutung of Reichenau and Sankt Gallen, which are both larger than Abteien Mitteleuropas, a man cannot imagine without for other Klöster wie Einsiedeln . Man has the know-how, who wants man Mönch, holt.»

For the Entstehung des Klosters Einsiedeln spielte der Reichenauer Mönch Meinrad een diere Rolle. Nice years were spent in the monastery school in the interior. After studying the study, the gelübde als benediktinermönch ab. Meinrad’s coarser Wunsch wars are, Gott as an Einsiedler zu serve. So if you are on the Etzel Pass and are enjoying the sogenannten of the Finsteren Wald, you can enjoy a Klause for a few years. There is a stelle in Jahr 934 das Kloster Einsiedeln. Meinrad wurde 861 von Räubern erschlagen.

Der Niedergang der Reichenauer Abtei started on 14. Jahrhundert. Das Kloster geriet in wirtschaftliche Schwierigkeiten, de Anzahl der Mönche nahm rapide ab. The Prinzip, now part of the Klosterschule, has a great opportunity. More reformed reforms. The monastery was consecrated in the Bistum Konstanz and was completely renovated in 1757. After the Reich Deputation Schluss of 1803 had begun and the reorganization of the Kirchlicher Besitztümer had begun with the Kloster and the Seine Ländereien in the Besitz weltlicher Fürsten über.

Danach is still one of the largest Klosterinsels for a long time. Since 2001 it is worth going to the Reichenau and visiting a small monastery, where a cella is born. So he is the smallest form of a monastery. You find this cella in Ortsteil Niederzell, gegenüber der Kirche Sankt Peter and Paul.

Here is a schmuckes, weiss getünchtes Haus with green Fensterläden, born in 1725. It’s a nice time in the Pfarrhaus der Kirche. Neben der Klingel is now a small brass shield on the «Cella St. Benedikt». Darauf Stehen auch de Namen der three Mönche, de dreiben: Father Stephan Vorwerk, Father Hugo Eymann and Father Stephanos Petzolt.

When Stephan Vorwerk came to the Reichenau in 1991 as a first-year Münsteran theology student during the holidays, he had no time left on the island for 200 years. Because the war was clear, there was another monastic tradition that many people knew: ‘I have people who have been looking after and exploring the family and the church, who have cut out something from the history of the place. It is not the case that more has been cut off and has been cleaned up for years.»

When we had made a plan, anyway in the Reichenau period, erzählte is Bischof von Münster’s friend. The idea and the Bischof von Freiburg go further. Both Bischöfe unterstützten den Vorschlag. On September 1, 2001, Benedictinermönche Stephan Vorwerk, who lived in Israel and owned the Monastery in Tabgha am See, Genezareth, died, as did Nikolaus Egender, Altabt der Dormitio-Abtei in Jerusalem, on the Insel Reichenau. The Cella St. Benedikt was officially founded for three years.

A modern botschaft

The people of the Gottesdienst in all drei Kirchen auf der Reichenau. Zum gemeinsamen Mittagessen in the Monchsrefektorium in the Sonntag and the Feiertagen come with the two Benediktinerschwestern, which from 2017 ebenfalls in the Reichenau, directly lived in the Pfarrhaus, lived. Zum festen component of the lives of the mother and the schwestern that are three days ago: the morning, the medium term and the Abendhore were impressed by the Sankt-Egino-Kapelle of the Peter- and Paul-Kirche. Jeder ist willkommen, daran zunehmen.

Did Father Stephan manchmal davon, who is in the Reichenau wieder a gross Kloster entsteht who einst? «De Zukunft unserer Klöster lies nicht meer in diesen grossen Gemeinschaften. Die Mitgliederzahlen shrumpfen quickly überall. The shape of a cella is good enough, er says.

Mayor Wolfgang Zoll also says that the Reichenau-no future more than the pure Klosterinsel hat. There is a great challenge, that is the question that the intense time of a meaning has made: ‘It is an island world, a large area. It is here one of the things that are best when the Fläche begins. And again I use the area for tourism, the winery the municipal construction. The sources are not multiplied. It is a fact that it is a modern Botschaft, which von der Insel ausgeht.»