
Asylsuchende im Hotel – a Notlösung-sorgt in England for Wut and Ärger

Asylsuchende im Hotel – a Notlösung-sorgt in England for Wut and Ärger

About 36,000 people live there in British hotels, which are worth living with the youngest people. Now the Labor government will die and most asylum hotels will collapse.

Police at the entrance to the Holiday Inn Express hotels in Crawley, as Anfang August protests directly and links with demonstrators outside the Asyl Hotel.

Police at the entrance to the Holiday Inn Express hotels in Crawley, as Anfang August protests directly and links with demonstrators outside the Asyl Hotel.

Krisztian Elek / Image

First of all, you are looking at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel in Crawley in the southern county of Sussex-verlassen. On the parking lot there is no more car, the Türe is closed, and the Vorhänge der meer Fenster is so-called. When a man is small, he sits man, who smokes a cigarette. In English speaking, if you come from Eritrea, you see a boat on the milk canal and a woman who uses a hotel in the hotel, as help for asylum seekers.

After a minute a Wachmann left the conversation and the interview started abruptly. Weitere Hotelangestellte eilen herbei, schicken de both Eritreeren ins Hotel zurück. To demonstrate the certainty of the asylum seekers, you will see mid-interviews on the Grundstück that has not yet been stattted. “Wir had the Vorsichtsmassnahmen erhöht nach allem, was in the last weeks geschehen ist”, erklärt one and required for all other Fragen and Innenministerium.

Asylum seekers currently traveling

Nervousness suddenly fails. In the Zuge der Unruhen in the English city, more hotels, which serve as temporary asylum services, had become the soul-sharing of Angriffen. In Rotherham you will find the right Krawallmacher, a hotel in Brand. I went on the Internet in August to protest against the «Holiday Inn Express» in Crawley. End of the fight against Hunderte Gegendeprotesters from the couplings in Hochburg Brighton and the resistance of the rights that protest in the minority.

Crawley is not a tourist magnet, but one of the southernmost ortschaften. You are technically skilled on the motorways and the Zugstrecke in London and Brighton. If you are one of the most located Flughafen Gatwick companies in the Areas of Aviation, Logistics or Storage. Also the Hotel Holiday Inn Express is operating a flight to the nur-zehn Autominuten entfernten Flughafen ausgerichtet. Passengers spend a night here for a frühen Flugverbindung. Handwerker works here for temporary working conditions in the Flughafen ab.

There are now no more statistics in the Logistics of Zimmern, which are lost in the Localization of the Enthusiasm. “When the young men in the group get bigger, think of 62-year-old Indira Jagan, who is staying in a block of flats in the hotel. “Ich bin selber Migrantin and weiss, dass man sich anpassen muss”, she explains. The family from the West African Mauritius has had a long Italian citizenship and the state citizenship took a long time, before he pushed through the Brexit all day after the big British trip. Now works as a cleaning trooper in a hospital of the National Health Service (NHS).

The Krawalle of the Last Weeks has Jagan discovered, which means that he has personally experienced no offensive racism in Crawley. Once you have done that, you can leave the asylum seekers in the Hotel Verärgerung. The young men from the hotel in the Gruppen are looking for the results of the bus stop and their first visit to Trottoir in Anspruch.

Good deals for hoteliers

The use of hotels as asylum seekers began during the corona pandemic. In the wake of the British government, agencies have been forced to rent rooms in unprofitable hotels, and the way in which tourists can no longer book is lost. Hoteliers can no longer pay the full price, and they have a good guarantee through the full guarantee and cost savings, and the costs incurred by the room cannot be cleaned. If the Vermittler feels safe, he wins a.

If the minutes disappear again after the end of the pandemic, the Gründe can be even bigger. The Ministry of the Interior has been dealing with asylum seekers for 400 years and has not adopted new governments, we have needed an asylum seeker for 400 years.

You can treat the behavior of asylum seekers in healthcare. In 2023, the Kraft Paper revision gave an overview that the migrants in Britain were no longer entitled to an asylum application and more statistics after Rwanda was eradicated. The Rwanda plan has not had much impact on people who end up in a legitimate Grayzone party and often work in the hotels.

Gemäss den letzten offizieellen Daten were im Marz 2024 knapp 36 000 Asylsuchende in Hotels unterbracht. I paid the cost years ago with $3.1 billion in cash, which was about $8 million per tag. Damit verschlang de Unterbringung in Hotels rund zwei Drittel der gesamten statlichen Ausgaben für die Betreuung von Asylsuchenden.

Labor will destroy Asyl-Hotels

You can go to the Regelhotels in the lake regions in Northern England or in Flughafengemeinden in Crawley, where the Zimmerprijzen are only a few. The Asyl-Hotels are often inhabited by a number of people, who lead a high accommodation costs and often spend a holiday in a hotel. The Asyl-Hotel in Crawley is located on the lokomotivführer Steve, who now has no chance. «The situation is absolutely ridiculous», ruft is aus.

Der Mittfünfziger concretet, dass er nicht grundsätzlich gegen Migration sei. It is possible that the trip is one of the great events. Steve said he was on the “Holiday Inn Express” for 16 years. These small craftsmen and tourists are more innkeepers, complaining about the owners of restaurants and pubs in the surrounding area.

Negative Follow Crawley’s instructions. When you cooperate with the construction of permanent asylum seekers, you can spend more time on the use of Asyl-Hotels, without this right being granted. A part of the community acquisition begins in the problems, Crawley leads a person to a social housing. “Wenn Hotel-Bewohner Asyl has seen and bitten often the Gemeinde a Unterstützung”, said the Speaker. «That verschärft die Wohnungsnot.»

The new Labour government of Keir Starmer has delved into the next months all asylum hotels in closed. After the development of the Rwanda plans, the boat migrants will get a number of asylum seekers and the shuttles will leave. Priority was given to people from the United States, Vietnam or Albania, who were asylum seekers and quickly shoved into their homeland. Zudem will leave the labour government of the asylum seekers in the country, so it will no longer be a matter of undertaking to reaffirm the mountains.

A strategy for reducing migration across the milk channel cannot be recognized. Alone on the last Sunday, eleven boats over 700 migrants went to England. We look at how long it will take before the account of 45,000 surpluses in 2022 is affected.